Hunt the Budget

Happy to remind you that the top 1% pay 29.1% of all income tax. The top 10% pay 60.3% and the bottom 50% less than 10%.

Surely that just demonstrates how unequal wages are?

Are there similar figures taking into account all taxes. Income tax is only a quarter of overall tax revenue. How does it look once VAT and NI are included. I've not had much luck Googling this!
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Do you think everyone should be paid the same no matter how hard they work?

Of course wages are unequal. Your pay is based on the value you bring and the scarcity of skill you have.

Income tax is by far the biggest £250bn. VAT is lower than NI at £162bn
Happy to remind you that the top 1% pay 29.1% of all income tax. The top 10% pay 60.3% and the bottom 50% less than 10%.

No surprise that those who pay the least want those who pay the most, to pay more.
If those on lower incomes were paid a fair wage that was sufficient for them to live on, they could pay more tax.

With 4.8m suffering food poverty and 6 million suffering fuel poverty, there is something radically wrong with wealth distribution in this country.

If a wealthy person pays more tax, it means they have a little less disposable income to spend on luxuries, if a poor person pays more tax they may not be able to afford enough heating or food.

I fully support free enterprise, people who take more risks or provide more value by intelligence, skill etc should be properly rewarded. But the disparity is way too high in this country
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Do you remember standing on your doorstep and clapping for the valiant currency traders risking their lives to keep the country going?

"Value" my arse.
Do you remember standing on your doorstep and clapping for the valiant currency traders risking their lives to keep the country going?

"Value" my arse.
Substitute 'value' for 'profit'. That’s all most people are interested in and it’s why you make your European investments with those that give you the best tax dodging financial return (40%p.a. wasn’t it?) and not investments that are the most ethical or philanthropic. I have got that right, haven’t I?

Damn, I did it again! I asked you a question that will be filtered out by your ‘question ignore, button.
Because they get the most money.

I'd have no objection to the rest of us getting more money and paying more tax, instead.
It doesn’t need to be instead.

Nothing stops a person acquiring the skill to get a better paid job. There is no Harry Potter style sorting hat that determines what job people do and how much they earn.
It doesn’t need to be instead.

Nothing stops a person acquiring the skill to get a better paid job.

It is human nature to want to better yourself and achieve the best with whatever talents and abilities life has given you. Most people already do what you suggest and are working at the limit of what can be achieved given their individual circumstances and opportunities. Those who earn a lot and have high flying careers often just like to blame other people so they don't feel guilty about the massive amounts of inequality.
Sorry I disagree entirely.

Some people work to their potential, but for most it’s simply about earning money to pay bills. Some do not even consider the pay, they opt for a job they enjoy, find easy, suits the life etc. this is entirely an individuals choice.
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