Indirect cylinder swap no hot water

12 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
hi, need some help we have fitted a 900 x 450 indirect cylinder in airing cupboard fed from a cold water tank in the loft, this cylinder only supplies hot water to bathroom and kitchen tap it was connected to the gas warm air Janus 3 water heater but was disconnected by previous owner so now the water is heated by the immersion heater element only.
Turned off mains supply, turned off power to immersion heater, drained down cylinder inc tank in loft, undid top vent/ hot water outlet followed by the bottom cold water feed then undid the two coil feed connections removed cylinder, removed immersion heater unit refitted to new cylinder ( a like for like ) refitted into cupboard reconnected all four pipes.
Turned on mains water and checked the cold water tank in loft filled ok, water filled into cylinder checked for leaks ok but no water running from cylinder to taps, cylinder is fully filled as I released the top outlet vent connection and water was present so why does it no flow out of the cylinder to the taps? It is gravity feed so water hot or cold should flow should'nt it?
As I stated the cylinder is not connected to the heating system and is used only for hot water tap supply.
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If you are happy that the cylinder did re-fill then it is probably an air-lock
Possibly can be cleared by blowing down the vent pipe or:
Try with the kitchen mixer tap.
1. Unscrew plastic/chrome fitting thats on the end of the mixer spout.
2.Close all other hot taps
3.Open hot tap on mixer and put hand firmly over spout.
4.Open cold tap on mixer and count to 30 (slowly). Keep that hand fimly pressed.Listen for air being pushed up into tank
5.Close cold tap release frozen hand and hey presto hot water should return.

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It is sometimes more convenient to do that trick at a bathroom shower.

Even better to have a dedicated "push on the taps" shower fitting. Available sometimes from £1 shops at the bargain price of just ..... £1

It is sometimes more convenient to do that trick at a bathroom shower.

Even better to have a dedicated "push on the taps" shower fitting. Available sometimes from £1 shops at the bargain price of just ..... £1


That's the most useful thing you've ever suggested Tony. I'm gonna get one of them.
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It is sometimes more convenient to do that trick at a bathroom shower.

Even better to have a dedicated "push on the taps" shower fitting. Available sometimes from £1 shops at the bargain price of just ..... £1

Really???bearing in mind cold supply is more than likely fed from CWSC.
As above , cup hand under kitchen mixer spout and force mains supply through hot.
Why would it be "more convenient?"
You obviously don't attend to many air lock issues.
You often need more than one pair of hands to use shower hose attachment. I often just bung my hose out the window, run the cold through it until nice syphon going, switch hose to hot tap, syphon draws water through tap.
It is sometimes more convenient to do that trick at a bathroom shower.

Even better to have a dedicated "push on the taps" shower fitting. Available sometimes from £1 shops at the bargain price of just ..... £1

They are cheaper at the 99p shops Tony.

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