Installing shower/bath mixer onto a wall

4 Apr 2008
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United Kingdom
I need to install a shower/bath mixer onto a wall. As per photo below, I am planning on using a 90° wall plate elbow 15mm x ½, which will support the shower/bath mixer.


I am concerned about the weight of the shower/bath mixer, can those wall plates (fixed by 3 screws) handle a decent amount of weight?

The second query I have is regarding the installation:
- the pipes will need to be buried into the wall, is this acceptable to use 22mm pex pipes as a conduit for the 15mm copper pipes?
- shall the front of the wall plate be flush with the tiles or slightly recessed inside the wall?
- I could not find any Youtube videos/tutorial on the best way to install that my Chatsworth thermostatic shower/bath mixer, shall the wallplate normally be fixed on piece of wood and then onto the brick? Or can they be fixed straight into the brick? (any best practice advice would be appreciated)

Below is the photo of the wall which will be hosting the shower/mixer bath (I need to dig some channels for the pipes and made space for the wall plates inside the wall):

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