It's valid, Javid

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3 Sep 2006
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West Mids
United Kingdom
You can't win with these f'in libtards.

"Sajid Javid has faced criticism after questioning whether people risking their lives crossing the English Channel are "genuine" refugees.

During a visit to Dover, the home secretary defended his call to declare a major incident last week and redeploy patrol vessels from the Mediterranean.

He suggested those seeking asylum in the UK should have done so in France or elsewhere on the continent.
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Who is a bigger snowflake? SJ or the RW getting upset that someone has a different opinion. SJ can call them economic migrants all he likes - only RW and LW are getting upset.

It wouldn't have to be called a major incident if there were no cuts. If a country can't handle a few hundred migrants then the problems are bigger than the migrants.
Well if you can't apply for asylum and feel the need to cross the channel on a dinghi it strikes me as there's a reason for it.

As long as we're out picking people up off these boats and bringing them ashore they'll keep trying it. My answer would be to escort them to edge of our waters and say off you go, apply properly next time.
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I fully agree with what SJ says. It may be a relatively small number AT THE MOMENT but when word gets round, this trickle will become a flood. If they don’t apply for asylum in France or in whatever 'safe' country they’ve already been through, they are not genuine asylum seekers. They are economic migrants and we don’t want 'em.
Lets invest in processing these people faster and if they are economic migrants then a ticket back to where they came from. The problem the current Gov has is that it's cut funding to so many Government services all it has got left is to gaslight.
I imagine its pretty difficult to establish whether these are economic migrants or refugees?
We've already established that there is no legal or moral requirement for a refugee to register in the first country that they arrive.
There may be very valid reasons for a refugee to prefer to register in UK. Family, language, career, qualifications to name just a few.
Iranian students used to and still do come to UK to study. One such university's Iranian student population: "... students from Iran ... In 2016/17 we have 23 Iranian students ... "
Another uni reports: "30 students from Iran studying at Queen Mary"
Another Uni reports: "53 students from Iran"

We've also already established that there are no legal or moral basis for forcibly moving refugees, rescued from the sea by UK border force, to any other destination other than the UK.

As Motman states it is a relatively small number, a very relatively small number. compared to 120,000 in 2017 to Italy alone.
As there are already so many refugees in other southern Europe countries, it is hardly surprising if some prefer to travel further.
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We've already established that there is no legal or moral requirement for a refugee to register in the first country that they arrive.
There may be very valid reasons for a refugee to prefer to register in UK. Family, language, career, qualifications to name just a few.
Iranian students used to and still do come to UK to study. One such university's Iranian student population: "... students from Iran ... In 2016/17 we have 23 Iranian students ... "

We've also already established that there are no legal or moral basis for forcibly moving refugees, rescued from the sea bu UK border force, to any other destination other than the UK.

As Motman states it is a relatively small number, a very relatively small number. compared to 120,000 in 2017 to Italy alone.
As there are already so many refugees in other southern Europe countries, it is hardly surprising if some prefer to travel further.
Why is it just Iranians, genius?
I imagine its pretty difficult to establish whether these are economic migrants or refugees?

If they can't prove going home will threaten their lives then I would say they are economic migrants. This will be a case by case test.
If they can't prove going home will threaten their lives then I would say they are economic migrants. This will be a case by case test.
Exactly, they must be processed within and by the legal process.
Although quite how someone, who has flown from persecution, proves that, I can't imagine.
I suspect the onus is on the 'processing country' to make fair and sensible decisions, bearing in mind that about third of appeals are successful.
Exactly, they must be processed within and by the legal process.
Although quite how someone, who has flown from persecution, proves that, I can't imagine.
I suspect the onus is on the 'processing country' to make fair and sensible decisions, bearing in mind that about third of appeals are successful.

How do you know they have flown from persecution? RW and LW get emotive over this issue of migration and asylum and bring in idiotic moral and subjective arguments which the political parties play on.
It's not, they have been the subject of recent discussions so I continued that theme.
Oh yes it is.

Don't you have an answer as to why its those from Iran - which is not subject to the war-torn narrative that we are fed about the other "migrants" from the "war-torn" countries.
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