I've given up on Boris.

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
As much as I love the bloke, I don't think he's going to survive this latest assault. Deservedly?, I'm not so sure. Of course he's made mistakes but I think he's done a solid job in difficult circumstances, he's been untouchable for a long time and maybe that's part of the problem, he's becoming a little too arrogant. The current charges against the guy are to say the least, trivial, but are having a huge impact. It's a shame because people should be looking at the bigger picture and the success of Britain post brexit, and it is a success.

When he does eventually fall, I suspect the 'party' will in time realise it was the wrong thing to do, as they did with Maggie, and indeed Labour with Tony Blair.

History will judge, and that takes a while to write.

In the meantime, my money's on Govey, decent bloke, intelligent, likes a snort, what's not to like.(y)
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As much as I love the bloke, I don't think he's going to survive this latest assault. Deservedly?, I'm not so sure. Of course he's made mistakes but I think he's done a solid job in difficult circumstances, he's been untouchable for a long time and maybe that's part of the problem, he's becoming a little too arrogant. The current charges against the guy are to say the least, trivial, but are having a huge impact. It's a shame because people should be looking at the bigger picture and the success of Britain post brexit, and it is a success.

When he does eventually fall, I suspect the 'party' will in time realise it was the wrong thing to do, as they did with Maggie, and indeed Labour with Tony Blair.

History will judge, and that takes a while to write.

In the meantime, my money's on Govey, decent bloke, intelligent, likes a snort, what's not to like.(y)

Ok I'll bite - what's this post Brexit success I am missing out on?

Gove means the return of Cummings. :ROFLMAO:
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Ok thanks for tucking me in, Night night. (y):mrgreen:

I'm up for another hour yet, drinking and listening to Bruce Springsteen. I've always liked him, got 'born to run' and 'the river' on vinyl, but after seeing a film on Netflix, i've become aware of a much greater depth to a lot of his lyrics than I'd been aware of, about working class struggles and so on.

The film was called 'blinded by the light', it's about a young Pakistani growing up in Luton in the 80's who's ambition was to become a writer, a poet, diarist, journalist, novelist, anything as long as it involved writing, and how his life changed forever after hearing Bruce Springsteen for the first time.

Sounds daft, but it's a true story, and a very powerful story, working class struggles, racism, and The Boss.
The film was called 'blinded by the light', it's about a young Pakistani growing up in Luton in the 80's who's ambition was to become a writer, a poet, diarist, journalist, novelist, anything as long as it involved writing, and how his life changed forever after hearing Bruce Springsteen for the first time.

Sounds daft, but it's a true story, and a very powerful story, working class struggles, racism, and The Boss.

Great film. I first heard about it while driving, the author was being interviewed on r4 and i was intrigued. Great film, must watch again.

I've got some old Springsteen vinyl, was from an old mate's sister's collection, which I inherited when he got divorced and became homeless. I'd never listened to it, had ignored Springsteen till i watched the film.
Great film. I first heard about it while driving, the author was being interviewed on r4 and i was intrigued. Great film, must watch again.

I've got some old Springsteen vinyl, was from an old mate's sister's collection, which I inherited when he got divorced and became homeless. It's member listened to it, had ignored Springsteen till i watched the film.

I'm up for another hour yet, drinking and listening to Bruce Springsteen. I've always liked him, got 'born to run' and 'the river' on vinyl, but after seeing a film on Netflix, i've become aware of a much greater depth to a lot of his lyrics than I'd been aware of, about working class struggles and so on.

The film was called 'blinded by the light', it's about a young Pakistani growing up in Luton in the 80's who's ambition was to become a writer, a poet, diarist, journalist, novelist, anything as long as it involved writing, and how his life changed forever after hearing Bruce Springsteen for the first time.

Sounds daft, but it's a true story, and a very powerful story, working class struggles, racism, and The Boss.

Drinking? Thought you were a tea totaller?

I was trying to do some DIY the other day listening to the Boss, I spent 1hr working out what to do then I gave up listened to the Boss and told the missus it's gonna be a long job - gets me out of the house when the kids come back from school. Everyone needs their own personal time.
Drinking? Thought you were a tea totaller?

Good Lord no, I'm a total p1ss head, I enjoy nothing better than being drunk with the boys, which I try to do frequently. I may have mentioned in the past that my wife is a 'recovering alcoholic', in fact December marks her 30th year of sobriety, I'm very proud of her.

I was trying to do some DIY the other day listening to the Boss, I spent 1hr working out what to do then I gave up listened to the Boss and told the missus it's gonna be a long job - gets me out of the house when the kids come back from school. Everyone needs their own personal time.

As much as I like the Boss, he's no David Bowie.
Gove is the only competent person in the cabinet.

the public’s favourite, and mine is Truss - she is utterly hopeless.
A post of mine from July 2019.

It’s almost a certainty that Boris will be the next leader. Not too keen on the slippery sod but if he gets us out of the EU on the 31st October I’ll be happy. It’ll shut all the whinging remainers up and we can then move on, hopefully without Boris at the helm as by then he would have done his job. Just use him like a tool. That’s Boris, a tool.
Is this thread a joke? This is possibly the worst government we have ever had. How much has been spent on corona virus? How many jobs have been lost? How many businesses closed down? Would Mrs. Thatcher have shut down all the country's industry at the request of communist China?

How many illegals has Boris let in? Are the streets safer under this government?

I can't see any good that this, or any British government has done for a long time.
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