Japanese ex PM shot & dead

2 Mar 2020
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United Kingdom
Out campaigning and shot twice with a home made gun Shinzo Abe. He had a longer longer term than many but criticised for covid handling so stepped down in their forthcoming election.

Strange looking gun. AlJ showed a 3d printed one but it looked nothing like these.
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A weapon like that if it can be accurate will be devastating. There isn't much info out on the ammo used, but it looks like a some sort of duelling pistol set up.
A weapon like that if it can be accurate will be devastating. There isn't much info out on the ammo used, but it looks like a some sort of duelling pistol set up.
I'd guess 2 steel barrels but really hard to tell from the image. No indication of size. AlJ showed the usual 3d printed small pistol - not one of those.

It seems both shots hit him. Needed CPR and it didn't work out or if it helped died in or on the way to hospital. They have very strict gun laws. A day course even needed for an air rifle. Low deaths by gun. 10 per year mentioned - maybe a max.
Bit more info - a lot of blood loss and heart damage.
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Killer was in the navy ? Apparently

Home made gun

Gun laws in Japan are very strict
You have to under go a phychatric
Examination before you can have one

Some thing that should go on here and def in the states ???
Afaik Japan still have the death penalty ??

This bloke may well be for the hang mans noose ???
Low deaths by gun. 10 per year mentioned
That seems to be incorrect reporting. 10 legal aspect problems about guns. I death. No mention of when that happened.
Japan does have the death penalty where executions are carried out in secrecy and prisoners are given little or no warning when their time is come.
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