Jokes that you made up

I went out this morning walking the dogs. I picked what I thought was edible mushrooms.

Now I'm not so sure.

This is truffling me a bit.
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Is thst a real life story?
They said they born in "Delhi",(Derry).
It was just spiel for the punters at their market stall.
Their accents were genuine Irish though, so they were.
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My mate plays football for a team called the Musketeers. They started the season well..with three wins and a draw.. all 4-1 and one 4-all....
A fellow from the Punjab goes to his doctor and tells the doctor that when in large open spaces full of white people, he feels very nervous. The doctor gives him a knowing look and tells him that he a gora-phobic.
I know I'm late but I surely did laugh at that one.
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