Kitchen laminate flooring under cabinets?

22 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom

I want to lay some laminate flooring, probably the B&Q tileloc flooring from my hall through my kitchen.

The hall is no problem as there is lots of info on fitting that here and on the internet and I know you can either fit edging or raise the skirting boards while leaving a gap round the edge for expansion of the floor.

Our kitchen currently has lino which runs under the kickboards of the kitchen cabinets.

I read that it's possible to lay the laminate flooring up to the kickboard and fit edging but I don't think that will give as good a finish as putting the flooring under the kickboard a few inches. I did also think any water that is split in the kitchen is likely to run under the edge of the flooring if I only lay it up to the edge of the kickboard of the cabinets.

I know I will have to plane some of the kickboard off to allow for the thickness of the laminate floor but thats a minor point.

Would people here recommend laying the laminate flooring under the cabinet and if so by how much or should I lay it up to the kick boards?

Sponsored Links the floor so that it just goes under the kick panels...

...anymore is just wasted money ;)

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