Leaking Shed roof

10 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
We moved into our bungalow about 2 years ago, when we bought it there was a 'Potting Shed', I've already had to repair some rotten window frames, now I notice that the roof is leaking because my tool box has some water in it. The roof is a 'Pent roof' approx. 5ft wide by 6ft deep, currently it's covered with some plastic material, I did think it might be damp course material. I think the wood on the roof is quite thin, it's a ship lap shed, so tongue and groove and the side about 6 mm thick, not sure how thick the roof is but I'm guessing the same. So, how do I repair it, the chances of getting 6mm Shiplap is slim, I could get some normal 6mm wood, maybe Exterior Ply and patch up, as it's only the back corner at the moment, Or do I go for OSB, then it's a case of, do I put the OSB on top of the existing Shiplap or Remove.

And then finally I need to replace the plastic cover, I'm thinking as the shed is old and may need to be replaced in the next 5 - 10 years that I would go for some cheap felt, any thoughts?


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