Lucky pulley? Renault Scenic 2002 GX52KWJ

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
The batt charge light came on and I thought, ok, belt gone.

On stopping I found the belt intact and the alternator pulley lodged there!

The female thread is well mangled and just a loose fit over the shaft.

At first sight the shaft thread looks hardly worn at all.

Is it possible a new pulley will still fit the shaft or am I going to need both.

The part seems to be 588004 and need a spline tool to hold it when fitting.

They are described as freewheeling but it seems totally solid???

Any thoughts?


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The pulley has certainly called it a day! They fail in two ways 1) the pulley locks up solid and gives the belt tensioner one hell of a hard time. 2) the pulley fails to drive at all, and this usually chews up the alternator shaft.
The pulley, if you can imagine the alternator shaft locked, should drive in one direction and freewheel in the other.
You'll definitely need the correct splined tool to refit a new pulley.....I use a pneumatic wrench personally but you can get by with holding the outer part of the tool in a vice, whilst turning the inner splined screw with a ratchet wrench. I've never tried to fit a replacement with the alternator in place!
John :)
Seems like mine has failed somewhat differently.

The unit is locked solid and not freewheeling at all.

The female thread is virtually missing but the shaft looked at first sight OK.

Seems as if I had better order the pulley as well as the splined tool.

Next problem is identifying the correct pulley as there seem to be three very similar ones.

I found a recon alternator with new pulley for £90.

Was not wanting to take wheel and liner off as instructed, at least not on the road in 3 C weather!

I just could not get my ring spanner onto the tension pulley!

Took a while but managed to get old belt back on by fitting alternator with only one bolt so it dipped down.

Could only get belt over half the alternator pulley.

But clicked starter and as if by magic it went all across the pulley. But air con puller was one grove out.

Clicked starter again and the air con belt righted itself.

Still kept hire car for another couple of days as have important things to do, just in case.
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Heaving those tensioners back - on any make- is where the open end of a combination spanner comes into it's own as you can rarely get a ring spanner in.
I've never used your method of spinning a multi groove belt onto it's pulleys though!
John :)
Its an auto !

Even so my normal way of turning a road wheel still needs jacking up!

I was so lucky with this!

Don't even see why it wanted to select the correct groves itself.

So an open spanner is the tool ? I had expected my cranked ring spanner would have fitted if only they had designed it sensibly!

The tension is so strong that an open spanner would need to be a very tight fit.

Since belts can fail what an amazingly bad design that means they can hardly be done at the roadside! The official instructions need the tensioner to be accessed from underneath after removing the wheel and wheel arch lining. One advice is to have one person under the car on the tensioner and another threading the belt above!

If doing many of these I might try to bend a flat 13 mm ring spanner to try to make one fit.
These multi vee belts have a long service life.....typically 70k. If you really get stuck it's possible to heave the engine over with a pinch bar or whatever to allow the ring spanner in. Combination spanners have a smaller offset so they often fit, and I use them all the time.
John :)