Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

No it didn't. That proves nothing.
I think Andy's reasoning is that as long as billions lived it didn't matter that millions died. Or that health systems across the globe would have been overwhelmed, were it not for the actions of virus experts, doctors and a caring/diligent general public. The selfish anti-vaxx-maskers tried their best to fuc£ it up for everyone though.
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"How does 2020 compare with previous years? Provisional figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show 608 002 registered deaths in England and Wales in 2020. This was the second highest number of deaths in a year since 1838. The most deaths in the past 183 years occurred in 1918—a year also notable for a pandemic"
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No one here believes the BS that you seem to spout.

Ask me if I care what you think. Go on...

I have asked a few times, just on this thread, for any evidence at all for why the antivaxxer nutjobs believe what they do. The silence is deafening.
Don’t know of a single person that died of or from. Only know of a handfull of people who got said illness and they were not as ill as people who get flu. Most people I know who got ‘vaccine’ got reactions, sometimes serious. The huge majority of people getting covid now that I know of have been jabbed.
If that makes me a nutjob , so be it.
All the people I speak to now who had ‘vaccines’ and boosters have done a complete u turn and are not interested and regret being manipulated.
That’s evidence enough for me.
Complete tosh.
You don't need the ludicrous injections to be safe. I've had none and have never felt the need for a ridiculous COVID test. The multiply injected are the ones suffering after a positive test - everyone else knows it's a ridiculously mild ailment.

Do you have any evidence for your claims? No one else on here does
A new study shows

We resolve conflicting results regarding mask wearing against COVID-19. Most previous work focused on mask mandates; we study the effect of mask wearing directly. We find that population mask wearing notably reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission (mean mask-wearing levels corresponding to a 19% decrease in R)

ps no anti vax nutters please, this thread is for adults only
Yes, it does. Studies show that masks reduce the number of cases of community transmission. Wearing mask is a very important aspect of fighting the spread of disease. Although there are some people who believe that masks are of no use, it should be kept in mind that it does help in reducing the number of cases.
No it didn't. That proves nothing.
An increase in covid hospitalisation in the SE was just announced. Fits in with slight increases over England in total.

If the selfish wore masks sensibley when they can it would avoid a lot of this.
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