More Royal Shenanigans...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Not content with scrounging benefits, it seems that our next king is fiddling his tax too...

Prince Charles's £700m estate accused of tax avoidance

The duchy of Cornwall last year provided Charles with an income of £18m and HMRC's anti-avoidance group is now being asked to examine its non-payment of corporation tax following a potentially significant court ruling on its legal status.

The issue has been raised by an accountant investigating the tax affairs of the duchy – an agricultural, commercial and residential landowner.

He has analysed the impact of a judicial ruling handed down last year. Anti-monarchy campaigners claim it shows the duchy is running "a well-entrenched tax avoidance scheme".

On top of that...

In 2009 it was estimated the queen paid just £1,375 in rates for Buckingham Palace

They're all in the trough together... ;)
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I think they'd be happy to pay more tax if they never appeared in the papers ever. Think of it more as compensation than avoidance.
I never knew theft of public property and gross tax avoidance required compensation...

Of course if they 'never appeared in the papers ever' again it wouldn't be too soon!
They dont pay corporation tax as the duchy is exempt from it, just another nosey accountant trying to find a loophole!

Plus Prince Charles paid £5m last year in tax.
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Prince Charles pays personal income tax on the profits from the Duchy of Cornwall - which is at a much higher rate (40%) than corporation tax (24%). Corporation tax would also allow much more of the trading surplus to be exempted from tax altogether in the form of re-investment plans and other allowances.

Prince Charles tax bill would actually go down a LOT if the Duchy were to be formed into a Ltd company and treated as a corporate entity rather than as a personal portfolio.
Prince Charles pays personal income tax on the profits from the Duchy of Cornwall - which is at a much higher rate (40%) than corporation tax (24%). Corporation tax would also allow much more of the trading surplus to be exempted from tax altogether in the form of re-investment plans and other allowances.

Prince Charles tax bill would actually go down a LOT if the Duchy were to be formed into a Ltd company and treated as a corporate entity rather than as a personal portfolio.
The same load of b*llocks that starbucks uses... ;)

The Royals are leeches - end of!
ellal should be taken out, tied to a post in the grounds of buck palace and whipped at dawn. (Severely.)

Or deport him of the two :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Prince Charles pays personal income tax on the profits from the Duchy of Cornwall - which is at a much higher rate (40%) than corporation tax (24%). Corporation tax would also allow much more of the trading surplus to be exempted from tax altogether in the form of re-investment plans and other allowances.

Prince Charles tax bill would actually go down a LOT if the Duchy were to be formed into a Ltd company and treated as a corporate entity rather than as a personal portfolio.
The same load of b*llocks that starbucks uses... ;)

The Royals are leeches - end of!

and without them.....we are worse off, end of!
It's amazing, when shown they are being shafted, how many just bend over and take it!
Interesting that 'deportation' is being brought up...

Funnily enough I believe I can trace my english lineage further back than that 'royal' lot...

So what happened to all those who profess to want immigrant benefit scroungers top be sent back to where they came from? ... :D
That crazy SPencer woman was far more English and of true Noble stock than the lot she married into. Not that that makes her special of course....

And they treated her like sh!t, but she did what was required of her, produced an heir and a spare.
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