mr moat

All this time and money being spent trying to get this murderous lunatic to give up. Absolute disgrace.
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He'll never be released so the taxpayer has to keep him for the next 50 years. Just a coward when it comes to the crunch.
Friday July 9, 2010 10:08 SkyNewsBreak
10:07 SkyNewsBreak: Footballer Paul Gascoigne has arrived at scene saying he is a friend of Raoul Moat. [via Twitter]

Friday July 9, 2010 10:13 Tom@Sky
10:08 SkyNewsBreak: Raoul Moat now said to be standing up and holding shotgun to his head. [via Twitter]

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:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Excellent

I think under normal circumstances i.e. when the place isn't full of press and cameras, Moat's head would 'accidentally collide' with a Police marksman's bullet thus solving the problem without delay or fuss
And I'll bet he drove those cars without insurance - a 5 week ban and £25 fine to add to his woes. Stress indeed :rolleyes:
And I'll bet he drove those cars without insurance - a 5 week ban and £25 fine to add to his woes. Stress indeed :rolleyes:

the cars were loaned to him, if the peeps doing the loaning knew he wasn't insured they should be charged too
While the police are gathered round this chap, what things aren't they protecting or investigating?
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