13 Sep 2010
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Wrong side of The Channel
United Kingdom
Looks like this is the result of letting tree huggers have a say in energy policies. Oil rich Texas having to cut power consumption at times of peak demand. Who would believe it? They had supply problems in the winter, and now surprise, surprise Texas is going to be hot this summer. A/C has made the Southern States habitable, it's going to be a big shock if life's comforts aren't available.


And this should be a wake up to anyone silly enough to choose a smart meter. Will be interesting when everyone is charging their cars and using electric air source heat pumps.
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Texas afaik is not on the US national grid or what ever the American equivalent is ????
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Looks like this is the result of letting tree huggers have a say in energy policies. Oil rich Texas having to cut power consumption at times of peak demand. Who would believe it? They had supply problems in the winter, and now surprise, surprise Texas is going to be hot this summer. A/C has made the Southern States habitable, it's going to be a big shock if life's comforts aren't available.


And this should be a wake up to anyone silly enough to choose a smart meter. Will be interesting when everyone is charging their cars and using electric air source heat pumps.

You have got this totally wrong.

Texans were asked to be part of the National Grid so they could access Federal Investment but they didnt want Federal oversight so they decided to manage and operate their Grid privately.

So as expected with little or no oversight the private operator didnt invest and now Texas has rolling blackouts as the Grid cannot handle the load as the operators were too busy creaming off the profits.

It has nothing to do with tree huggers - think of it as another poor privitisation.

Any default position where public is bad and private is good is not a great starting point. The most efficient markets which allocate resources the best are the ones where there is a fine balance between free market enterprise and regulation.
Sir G. Using facts: First Public Warning*!

*Did that use to be on Saturday wrestling with Mick McManus and his crew? Flashback for CG there.:D
Why 'Lol'?

Smart meters have the ability to cut off supply, although in normal times they would have to go through the same process for cutting someone off if they have an analogue meter...

But what is 'normal times'?

In addition there is the ability to individualise billing, which given the nature of how capitalism works will mean that overall the beneficiary will be the power companies not the consumer!

Thus since it's not mandatory to get a smart meter fitted, don't get one...

Of course if you're daft enough to buy a new build it'll be already installed (n)
They are spying on you

criminals will hack into the system and find out when u are not at home or on holiday

burgle yer house ;)
They burgled mine when I had an analogue meter.:rolleyes:

blimey u have a smart meter :eek:

your life style is being monitored ;)

you may as well put a sign up saying going on holiday for a fortnight

place will be empty
Than there is the potential of the Russians hacking into the system and shutting down thousands of houses

no gas
No leccy

chaos ;)
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