


May I just say to all the antidrug mafia on here... the purists...

Mr P Doherty has now been clean for 2 months and writing and performing sobre.

I admire his desire to finally tackle his addictions and to make a concious (SIC) effort to keep away from the desire's of his addictions.

Addiction is an awful thing to deal with beit alcohol, food, gambling, legal and illegal drugs, and it takes real effort to break that,

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if he is sober does that mean he will be only wearing one hat in public now? :LOL:
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In my humble opinion the bloke has been such a t0sser on so many occassions that he will never amount to more than a waste of space.


ps And his 'bird' is a minger. :eek:
So I'm a purist and some sort of anti drugs mafia am I? Listen dude, you may have bought into the whole troubled artist routine ( always a money spinner ), but some of us find it tedious. So he beat the drugs - well good for him. But remember he gladly took them and paraded them about even though he knew a million dozy teenage girls were looking up to him some kind of rock god. That makes him as bad as a drug dealer in my book.
What we need is Pete and Amy (Whinehouse) to get hold of some dodgy crack and overdose, problem solved then. :D
Trouble is they end up as role models to those too immature to realise they are being taken in by the whole drugs are hip/cool propaganda from their peers.

As they get older and wiser(if they make it to old age) the reality of how stupid they looked to the sensible portion of the population sinks in and then they see the new younger generation making all the same mistakes again.

Unfortunately for reasons of greed (or the fact they are druggies themselves) record executives will not publicly condemn these individuals and distance themselves from them.
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