Planned rear and side ground floor extension

13 Jul 2017
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United Kingdom

We have been planning a ground floor extension to the rear of our 1908 terraced house.
Having started the project with an all in company who unfortunately weren't all they promised we are post Planning being granted starting again - with a more hands on approach.

We have found new builders and have had a couple of meetings.

The plan is to

Knock through our breakfast room and kitchen/ utility, extend the perimeter of the space out into the side return by 1.2m and extend to the rear by a metre. The wall between break fast and kitchen is a large 3 way chimney - which after some consideration would seem sensible to remove through the house - reducing the size of steel in the downstairs area and gaining some space in the rooms on the second floor (another question at another time!). The dimension of the finished space will be 10 by 5.2 metres

We are looking to go for an industrial feel downstairs so are having exposed steel - Mainly to retain the height we currently have.

Our original company seemed to see no issue with any of the above - just couldn't turn up to meetings or answer emails, meet deadlines (no i'm not bitter!)

Our new builders have come up with issues over length of steel 10 m span holding up rest of house which we would really like without supports in the space.

At our original meeting they discussed removing the upstairs walls and supporting the roof as this would give them more space to dig foundations and we could have newer insulated walls built - during the work downstairs they would build lightweight ply walls to the upstairs - given we would be replacing/ renewing the windows in the upper floor the actual brickwork to remove/ rebuild would probably amount to around 8 sq meters.

Current suggestions are that the easiest way top complete the work is to remove everything - walls ceilings / chimney and roof over the area and start again

Although my sensible head understood the lets take the brick work out as it gives us space and is lighter - removing everything seem like overkill

Any thoughts gratefully received

thanks in advance

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Employ a good designer/engineer. What drawings have you had prepared? Isa structural engineer involved yet? What stage is this project at? You should repost in the Building or Building Regs section.

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