prince philip i wish him well

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12 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
now i know he is the queens better half and part off the monarcy and as i say i wish him well he does seem very very fit for his age and of course he deserves the best
now i dont know if he has used many nhs "services "in his life i just wonder why our pensioners dont seem to get anywhere near the same level off treatment
perhaps if they did there quality off life and fitness would extend for several years helping to offset the extra 5 to 15 years future generations will have to work to pay for there pensions retiring at 75 or what ever the age in 2025 :eek:
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You seem to be saying that OAP`s should die young.
And our kebab merchant has exceeded his life span.
He deserves all the treatment he has/we pay for. Just for his hilarious comments.

Would to care to clarify your post further?
some are treated money no object others are just a number for the health service accountants to work out a reason to save money often by rationing or extended obstacles allowing health to deteriorate beyond operable levels
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some are treated money no object others are just a number for the health service accountants to work out a reason to save money often by rationing or extended obstacles allowing health to deteriorate beyond operable levels

I have to disagree. Could you clarify the above.
some are treated money no object others are just a number for the health service accountants to work out a reason to save money often by rationing or extended obstacles allowing health to deteriorate beyond operable levels

I have to disagree. Could you clarify the above.
after you clarify your point first:cool:
Ahh The dear old Duke of Edinburgh. He's a national treasure. Every time he opens his mouth (when abroad) he's got his foot firmly in it, or his brain is out of gear. Long may he live, for his wit and sense of humour is right up my street. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
At least the pheasants were a bit safer whilst Zorba was getting the best treatment stolen money can buy....
The peasants were probably getting a tongue lashing whilst he received his gold plated treatment...

Bet there weren't any 'slitty eyed' foreign ones though.... ;)
when i had a very bad heart attack a few years ago i was given drugs that did save my life but i was put into a ward as there was 3 weeks waiting before i could have an operation, meanwhile i had another very bad heart attack. the second one was so bad i will never work again. so a old man gets rushed in and a tax paying man has to go to the back of the queue.
Bet you didn't get a helicopter ride either.

Or go to the UKs top hospital.

Or get the top surgeon on a holiday.
I bet Zorba didn't get 'DNR' scribbled on his hospital notes either... ;)
Judging by the reviewes i would be inclined to think there are a lot of "roundheads" here, so lets get rid of the leeches and get someone else in.

I would be happy with Clinton or Mandela.

Who would be your choice for king/queen??

I do suppose if we had the likes of Graham Norton, we would have both. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
How sad, would you be complaining if it was you lucky enough to have married the Queen ( All stand up and salute).
Then have the life of luxury it deserves.
With the medical treatment it then carries.

Just remember if your her daughter in law and **** her off, the medical treatment is rather lacking................
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