Pro-Palestine Protests

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It's a pity about Palestinian children, but most of the adults supported Hamas, maybe still do. And since when has starving your enemy not been a legitimate tactic in war?

Since the UN considered it a war crime...

Article 14 of AP II in particular, on the 'protection of objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population', directly prohibits the 'starvation of civilians as a method of combat' in NIAC,18 by means of 'attack[ing], destroy[ing], remov[ing], or render[ing] useless, for that purpose, objects ...

An immense majority of 106 out of 120 members of Knesset from the coalition and opposition signed a statement on Monday condemning the announcement by ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan that he intends to request arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on charges of crimes against humanity for Israel’s conduct in the Gaza war.

The statement read:

"The state of Israel is in the midst of a just war against a criminal terror organization. The IDF is the most moral army in the world. Our heroic soldiers are fighting with courage and dedication that has no second, according to international law, like no other army has ever done.

"The scandalous comparison by the Hague prosecutor between Israel's leaders and the heads of terror organizations is an unerasable historic crime and a clear expression of antisemitism. We reject this with revulsion. 80 years after the Holocaust, no one will block the Jewish state from defending itself."
The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is "outrageous," President Biden said on Monday.

"And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Biden said in a statement.
The International Criminal Court prosecutor's application for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is "outrageous," President Biden said on Monday.

"And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas," Biden said in a statement.
I'm sure he could say anything if you give him his pep pills and script for long enough!
People on here were claiming the Gazans were living in a ghetto before October 7th, they weren't.
Mostly relating to refugee camps. You seem to always ignore what goes on in those
People on here were claiming Gaza was the most densely populated place on earth, it isn't.
No something slightly different to that. If you don't know don't expect me to enlighten you.
The ICC have applied for a warrant to arrest Bibi,
Scandalous, it just isn't cricket.
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People on here were claiming the Gazans were living in a ghetto before October 7th, they weren't.

People on here were claiming Gaza was the most densely populated place on earth, it isn't.
First casualty if war is always the truth.
Everyone has their own version.
If i was one of those judges at the ICC i would very wary of any offer of free helicopter trips from strangers.
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