Protection for new fence posts

7 Mar 2013
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United Kingdom
Currently taking down my existing panel fencing which has been good for almost 25 years. Have started digging out the post holes but was wondering how I could protect the new fence posts before I concrete them in.

We're on clay here and even digging the holes today water has started to trickle in.

On the existing posts you were still able to get proper creosote, so I stood them in a bucket for a week or more before concreting in. I realise that posts are now pressure treated, but is there anything else I can put on them to add more protection for the section that will be in the concrete?

I have a can of blackjack, do you think this will help?

Is Postcrete waterproof or could I add a waterproofer to the mix?

Any suggestions or recommendations?

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I've now put a couple of good coats of water sealer on them and now applying 2 coats of Blackjack bitumen paint to just above ground level. The posts are already treated so hoping that is the best that I can achieve.

BTW, real creosote is still available from farming suppliers like Mole Valley but it only comes in large 25 litre drums.

Also their prices for fence posts and materials are far cheaper than the local builders merchants.


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