PS4 slow Loading



My girls PS4 is slow loading.
It's a new machine from Christmas. Could I need to go for a faster Broadband or is there something I can do with the settings.

I'm not technical so go easy with me.
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My girls PS4 is slow loading.
It's a new machine from Christmas. Could I need to go for a faster Broadband or is there something I can do with the settings.

I'm not technical so go easy with me.
Slow loading what?

If you're not playing an online game then everything on your PS4 is downloaded onto it first. That means it might be slow when you first download a game or install it and I downloads an update. But after that, of you're not playing online games, then your internet speed shouldn't matter.

If it's slow to open a game that you've already downloaded or installed from a disc. That's a different matter. That's fairly normal, you can improve loading speed using a SSD, it's not going to become instant but it will shave off somewhere around a third of the time. When loading can take 90 seconds that's quite nice.
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What is an SSD?
Solid state drive.

It's essentially a much bigger, much faster version of a memory card for a camera. Thanks to details you probably don't care about they're much faster than old school Hard Disk Drives (HDD). They also cost a fair bit more than older slower HDDs. About £100 for a 1TB drive.

There sloads of guides on how to install them. Given you're on here you'll be fine with the physical bit and the software side is pretty straight forward too.
Check if it's loading times that's winding her up or if it's downloading updates. Or something else.
I do find sometimes my sons PS4 is quite noisy, I give it a blow out with an air compressor and it quietens down.

Just mucking around with it.

Minecraft is what's not loading. I took the disc out and put on Fifa. It loads and it's working OK.

Nearly OK Chelsea are loosing 2-0

Could it be the disk is faulty?
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