Raising floor level for flush Amtico fitting

17 Aug 2014
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United Kingdom
Advice please!

We're looking for flush floor fitting between our dining room and kitchen. The dining room will have 3mm underlay and 18mm engineered wood laid on top of the chipboard subfloor sitting on the joists. In the kitchen we intend to lay Amtico (approx. 3mm). I'm thinking of either getting

(a) 18mm plywood screwed into the chipboard subfloor as a base and then have the fitters fit the Amtico directly on top of that


(b) 9mm plywood screwed into the chipboard subfloor and then have the fitters add another 6mm plywood base on top of that before they fit the Amtico.

I know Amtico is a specialist and unforgiving product so just wondering what the most stable option would be.

Thanks in advance all :)
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Don't do the 18mm route mate
I'd do the 9mm / 6mm route out of them

But another way is 12mm ply then use fibre reinforced screed over that to get the level you want.

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