Removing plastic film from sealed window units

I wonder if having something like this would help in terms of not needing to worry as much about balance? Granted it's slightly bulky but if you have room for it, at least you'd be standing on a platform instead of a ladder rung. And might come in handy for other diy jobs?

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I know you mean to help, but I doubt whether there would be room for it in this small room, with furniture too. Also, I am now past hiring equipment. The trouble that some people will take, in order to help others, amazes me! Thanks, friend.
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Do you remember how the film was added?
Our windows at work were retrospectively made safer with film. The guys used plant sprayers and water/washing up liquid. I did similar using mirror tint on some windows.

I was wondering if some heavy duty tape and polythene sheet plus a wall paper stripper could introduce steam into the area and rehydrate the film? Maybe just to loosen the grip?

There are ceramic scrapers for cleaning induction Hobbs that shouldn't damage glass
I didn't know about those scrapers, so thanks for the tip. I don't think steam would help, and I would find that too much work. However, your mention of heavy duty tape gave me an idea. I have some VERY adhesive tape (it's also quite wide) that, if applied to the film, might drag it off in large pieces with the help of a scraper. I shall certainly try that!
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You've been given the answer those razor scrapers are ideal and you will not scratch the glass unless your ham fisted.

Plus you can buy packets of replacement blades for when the go and easy I also use tge on induction ranges glass tops never scratched one yes. Heat is risky !!

This kind of thing.
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I know you mean to help, but I doubt whether there would be room for it in this small room, with furniture too. Also, I am now past hiring equipment. The trouble that some people will take, in order to help others, amazes me! Thanks, friend.
To be honest I meant for you to buy. I noticed afterwards it folds down so can be stored in a relatively small space. Although I get your point re: small rooms :)
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