Report on the BBC and gay issues

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markie said:

someone Being gay does not bother me 1 bit, and labeling someone ill because they are gay is wrong imo.

No-one is saying that they are ill. I'm saying that they are born the way that they are. Call it whatever you like but it is still a gentic trait that the person has no control over.

Whether they actually broadcast it to the world is what the thread is about.

ninebob, apart from the fact that you were leering sideways into the camera .. you looked quite handsome and I was later suprised at how 'normal ' you looked and I thought you were straight.
why didnt you wear a banner and mince to show you were gay eh???
how dare you act 'normal' and then have the nerve to come out and think you are something special eh??? :rolleyes: :LOL: :LOL:

please take it in the sense I meant it.. to show how ridiculous all this is!
I disagree Joe. No one is born a paedophile. I have a friend who is a lesbian - she has always fancied girls over blokes, even when we were nippers.

I can't ever recall anyone ever saying about paedophiles that they always fancied people younger than themselves :rolleyes:

How the hell can you say it's the roll of Gods dice???? Many paedophiles are married and have kids of their own that they abuse - how the hell can that not be evil?
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its a shame you had to hijack ninebob's thread, your subject is one that deserves serious debate but you should have started your own thread and as for shouting out I'm gay, surely after years of misunderstanding prejudice and witch hunt why not shout it out with pride?
Well.old Joe 90 has done it again ,take a arguement up and lost the plot .He has gone from taking the christian moral majority veiw that homosexuality is a life style that can be controlled to it being a genetic thing that can also be controlled as it serves no purpose in the world of procreation .Would it be fair to say that you doing things with wemen that YOU said were not normal any more unusual than recreaction sex between homosexuals in a chirstian moral sort of way.
This is a question to all tha have introduced paedophilier into the discussion ,at what time in it's live does a paedophile know it is one ,in so much that it has to be older that the child that it is abusing
Just to try and dive back to the original subject a bit, the point I tried to make early on (possibly badly) was that if I was gay, I feel that I would be embarassed to be represented in the public arena by people like Julian Clary or Graham Norton, or even Sean out of Corrie, but would be interested in ninebob's thoughts on it (I mean in the sense that they seem to be the only portrayal of gay men, and don't in fact match up to the vast majority). Same goes for 'Four Poofs and a Piano' (BBC, incidentally) or Will & Grace - Are they empowering to have the gay cause represented, or are they cringe-making stereotypes.

Some entertainers also seem to have acted camp in order to get on, but not been gay. Shane Ritchie and Duncan Norvelle spring to mind, but I'm sure there are others - Jeremy Spake, possibly ?

I guess a lot of it comes down not to education, but just by getting people to know gay people in normal circumstances. My Mum & Dad used to be particularly gay-unfriendly, but moved to France about three years ago and have met several couples in the ex-pat community - My Mum is now a fully card-carrying fag hag that could give Cilla a run for her money :D
I haven't hijacked any thread. Why? Who the hell cares what floats his boat? Why is it an issue at all?

His genetics have chosen him to fancy men - but so what? He could fancy children or sheep in just the same way, but would that make him worthy of merit? What he does behind locked doors is his choice - but I've never heard a gay man call it 'normal'.

I'll tell you how hard it is to tell who's gay or not,

I was out with the lads and one drinking mate ( don't see often ) had a friend with him, every one said hello ect..
We went night clubbing ect..
The next day my mate said do you know such and such, he's gay and that he found me attractive, and guess what i did not have a clue he was gay, so in my opinion TV show gays to be all girlie but in the real world thats not the case.

It's happened twice btw and both cases i did not have a clue.
markie said:

Now your being silly ( i don't know if i've said, but i'm not gay )

So now what do you think ?

Did you just try it a little bit?


I never tried full stop. if you read my post, then you would of know that i did not know he was gay, even if i did i still would not go there.

Would you have you, ?
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