Rubbish bag 'tax' to encourage recycling

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
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..HOMEOWNERS face paying a second tax for their household rubbish to be collected as part of a range of proposals to reform council tax, The Times has learnt....

Fly tipping is bad enough at present, how ever many more taxes will they think up? -- Maybe that is the problem, too many thinkers and not enough doers !!
They really are having a laugh aren't they?

Whatever next?

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I believe I have seen this system used in Switzerland, you have to buy special bags which are marked b the local authority, the cost of the bags includes the cost of disposal, and the collectors will only take those bags.
We, in our area, already green box -glass,cans,plastic bottles, newspaper and cardboard.
We also are able to 'buy' a large, garden waste wheely bin and service £20 per year (+£2.50 delivery) --or-- paper sacks at 75p each, the sacks were 25p each only 3 yrs ago !! BTW Smokeless zone.

Better ensure y'all aware of this too.
Residents should be aware that under new legislation, they have a 'Duty of Care' to ensure that any rubbish not collected from them as part of a Council service, must be collected by a business licensed to carry waste.
Householders not using a properly licensed waste carrier risk a fine of up to £5,000, should that waste end up as fly tipping.
To assist householders, the Environment Agency has created an online register of waste carriers.
Concerned householders, can also contact the Environment Agency for an "instant Waste Carrier Validation Check" on 08708 506506.

This is a potentially dodgy one !
When Blair said education,education, education. He meant to say, more tax, more tax, more tax.

If these governments keep taking our cash it will end with blood on the streets. Rioting will become commonplace.

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I suspect that they've not thought it through, because they are unable to conceive of anyone with a different mindset to themselves. Yes, the young professionals of Notting Hill, or the bank managers from Surrey are likely to comply and go along with any fines that come along, but when you get to a council estate or a set of terraces in an inner-city then its going to be another matter - Back Alleyways full of old bin bags and burning mattresses, I would imagine........

Why don't they offer some sort of rebate instead - I remember when I was a student, you would get companies that gave you money for your old tin cans if you took them down for recycling - Sure the local tips could manage a system like this.
if i ever see anyone fly tipping, i'll pull up behind them, take their number plate, and drive a few hundred yeards down the road, then call the police ;) I urge anyone else to do the same.
Agree but I`d read plate from a distance .......Then phone old Bill from a bigger distance and ask them if the "culprits" come under the "self-clean-oven" jurisdiction :rolleyes:

Im having a barney with my council at the moment , cos some tw*t stuck a KFC box in my Green bin outside my front awaiting collection an the rotten sh*tty faced bin lads wouldnt take it ,
I complained an the council says the bin men are not allowed by health an safety to touch rubbish now , even though it was a fastfood carton on top of all my garden rubbish ,what utter sh*te

I shamed two of them bin lads in our local social club the other night,after I told everyone my story , an they left sharpish when some lads in there started chucking empty fag packets an beer mats at them an slagging them off , lol ;) :)
Taxing your rubbish by weight will do two things, increase fly tipping and increase domestic burning of refuse. The people that dream up these schemes must have their heads stuck up their own r's half the time.

Fly tipping is already on the increase because householders are being limited as to what can be disposed of and charged for disposal of 'diy' waste.

Why should the buck stop with the tax payer, why not tax the people that package the goods in the first place, otherwise they have no incentive to be green and use recyled products. What about all the junk that nobody wants that is posted through the letter box (free newspapers, adverts, junk mail, etc etc) why should we pay tax for this unwanted crap. :evil: :evil:

Rant over, I feel much better now.
Glad I don`t live in your street.n or Moz`s lol lol lol lol
oh dear... I bought one of those dust bin things that you can burn rubbish in (I have forgetten the name) and I sometimes burn junk mail, cereal packets, paper sacks that have had duck or dog foods in etc.

We are provided with one wheelie bin by the council.

Am I causing ozone damage by burning this rubbish?
It is permissible to burn garden rubbish, but you should not cause a nuisance to your neighbours. However, your Council should encourage everybody to dispose of their garden rubbish in a sustainable way.

Smoke from bonfires which causes a nuisance can be an offence.

When I 'bag up' the more woody stuff for council composting (fortnightly collection), I firstly fill the bags 25% with shredded paperwork... Useful 'blotting paper effect' if the bag is hanging around for a week or two.

Our local waste collection used to be collected weekly, it is now limited to one pickup every two weeks (one weelie bin) extra bags will be collected at the same time if left out.

Now we are told as from next month any bags left will now not be picked up. The bins are a standard size, not the large one you would get in citys, but the smaller ones used for the elderly, they will hold 4 black sacks max. In the summer it's hell to say the least, food rotting in the bin, maggots, flies & we have two kids one still in nappies. Our recycle waste is collected on the alternate week, but they won't take glass.

Our 'greenbox' recyclables are collected weekly .. Garden waste... fortnightly Hols' n'all.

We have 2 ordinary garbage dustbins, each will hold one 'black bag' ...

Until this month, if bins visible from road binmen would collect (bagged refuse only) from the bins.
Here is the rub, now we have to place the bags at our gates.. Reason given "The previous arrangments meant the refuse collectors had to face many health & safety issues by having to retrieve sacks from a range of locations and by entering onto private property."

Hah ! Desktop engineering .. Them in command do not know what their guys are doing .. I betcha they have 'procedures' (rubbish) for garbage the collection of ! .....
Base systems engineering says "Get out there and find out exactly what really happens.. 'cause the guys will always evolve a good method.. Or be bu-qq-ering something up, or both ..."
One guy has always appeared ahead of the waggon, he collects all bags in the road to one central location, carrying three or four at a time !! Waggon arrives, team loads bags - waggon disappears in haze of hydraulic fluid !

Nothing unwashed goes into our green box.
Weekend newspapers are retained to wrap anything slightly 'juicey' which goes into garbage bag.
Refuse bags of good quality only ... do not tear easily .. corners of small plastic yougurt tubs--grrr !! always tied off with string.
No smells etc.. we are in countryside important to keep scavengers away...
We have moved from 3 black bags per wk to an average of 1.5 which I think is pretty much 'it'... If they start charging more we'll have to be fly !!
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