Salute to a true Patriot James Dyson

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
At the height of a national crisis a true Patriot like Dyson shines through.

Boris Johnson assured Sir James Dyson his employees would not have to pay extra tax if they came to the UK to make ventilators during the pandemic.

Sir James, whose firm is now based in Singapore, wrote to the Treasury to ask for no change in tax status for staff.

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Is Ignored member blocked again G could you ask yourself..... sorry, him. ;)
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I can't help feeling it was a pointless exchange, if James Dyson had any common sense he would realise he couldn't trust anything Boris said.
Now that Dyson has managed to achieve special tax status by secretly asking Boris for it, and Boris granting his special tax free status, he's moved back to UK.
High-profile businessman Sir James Dyson has moved his residency back to the UK from Singapore.
HMRC is supposed to be free of ministerial intervention to protect its independence.
Not anymore.
There was an urgent need to save lives. Boris sorted it.
By moving infected people out of hospitals and into care homes.
By insisting schools return after Xmas holidays, then changing his mind a week later, after wasting teachers time and school resources implementing tests for pupils.
By not cancelling Xmas, so that families could infect each other.
By spaffing millions up the wall on an world-beating ineffective test and trace system.
By setting up rules that were so confusing even his own advisors weren't sure if they could go to Durham Castle to get their eyes tested.
By implementing lockdowns too late, and giving several weeks notice of other restrictions that could have easily been implemented within days.
By spending millions on mock hospitals that could not be staffed.
By denying the existence of a pandemic and making a great show of shaking hands with everyone, and pretending it'll all go away by magic, or because we're British.

You're having a laugh.
There was an urgent need to save lives. Boris sorted it. Well done Boris.

he has done well over this virus caper unlike that scoundrel macron who made a total pigs arris of it from day one
Cases per million & deaths per million make rather interesting reading.
Boris out! Boris out!
he has done well over this virus caper unlike that scoundrel macron who made a total pigs arris of it from day one
Your hatred of all thing French is legendary. You've previously suggested that all French are thieves and simply occupied empty houses after the whole family had been systematically murdered by German and Austrian Nazis.
It's normal for those suffering from xenophobia to hate all things foreign.

Hatred, racism and islamophobia is taught to children from an early age by their parents and other peers.
You told us your recent forbears are Austrian and that some of them were officers in the Nazi regime. One of them was a torturer for the Nazis.
The Nazis practised genocide.

Strangely enough, you also frequently promote genocide.
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