Salutes compared


9 Jan 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
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Hee hee. By all accounts the French troops fought very bravely at the start of WW2, but were overcome by the Germans in part due to completely incompetent leadership at the top, combined with inferior weapons. We were no better when the BEF were evacuated at Dunkirk, funny how we turned an almighty defeat into a triumph, even though we left behind huge quantities of weaponry which were captured by Adolf and co.

I prefer your summary. :D
The Frogs performed particularly bravely recently in that train when faced by a terrorist, didn't they?
The Frogs performed particularly bravely recently in that train when faced by a terrorist, didn't they?

One of the passengers awarded the Legion d'Honneur was a froggie. But I think you mean the train crew, I think they have received abuse from the French public.
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The Frogs performed particularly bravely recently in that train when faced by a terrorist, didn't they?

Was just thinking the same myself. Train full of frogs, and it took 3 Yanks and a Brit to save their behinds from the towel-head terminator. But then, hasn't it been this way for a long time.

Bet it really hurt Mr Flamby to pin those Legionne d'honneur medals on foreigners' chests today. Especially seeing as they were Yanks and Brits. :LOL:
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The Frogs performed particularly bravely recently in that train when faced by a terrorist, didn't they?

Was just thinking the same myself. Train full of frogs, and it took 3 Yanks and a Brit to save their behinds from the towel-head terminator. But then, hasn't it been this way for a long time.

Bet it really hurt Mr Flamby to pin those Legionne d'honneur medals on foreigners' chests today. Especially seeing as they were Yanks and Brits. :LOL:

Would you have reacted like the 'Yanks'? They were young lads with a military training, used to acting quickly. The other passengers were probably civilians, famillies, old people, that sort of thing. Maybe French soldiers on leave would have acted as quickly. I would still have been thinking what to do while they were busy subduing the terrorists. Very brave lads. Reminds me of that woman who calmly talked to the nutter who had just butchered an off duty soldier, in order to keep him occupied until the police could arrive.
The Frogs performed particularly bravely recently in that train when faced by a terrorist, didn't they?

Was just thinking the same myself. Train full of frogs, and it took 3 Yanks and a Brit to save their behinds from the towel-head terminator. But then, hasn't it been this way for a long time.

Bet it really hurt Mr Flamby to pin those Legionne d'honneur medals on foreigners' chests today. Especially seeing as they were Yanks and Brits. :LOL:

Would you have reacted like the 'Yanks'? They were young lads with a military training, used to acting quickly. The other passengers were probably civilians, famillies, old people, that sort of thing. Maybe French soldiers on leave would have acted as quickly. I would still have been thinking what to do while they were busy subduing the terrorists. Very brave lads. Reminds me of that woman who calmly talked to the nutter who had just butchered an off duty soldier, in order to keep him occupied until the police could arrive.

You may be looking too deeply into my slightly tongue in cheek post. Yes, I would hope that if I was ever in that situation I would do something proactive. With prior knowledge of these situations, being that close, tackling the terrorist may be your only hope of survival. Having more and more ROP immigrants makes it more likely and I am always vary wary when I see groups of young Asians. Recent events make you more vigilant. Sad, but that's the society that we now find ourselves with.

I have the utmost respect for our servicemen and our allies. They seem to be always expected to be the world's policemen, but more recently, because of the "swarms" of migrants floundering in the med, they seem to have had the role of social worker added to their remit. Our services do more than their fair share, whilst other nations just let them get on with it. The French, especially, will always look after their interests first, from the unionised workers all the way up to the highest levels of society. We can learn a lot from history.
because of the "swarms" of migrants floundering in the med, they seem to have had the role of social worker added to their remit.
Completely our own fault, of course, although in reality the fault of our government at the insistence of our feckless do-gooders.
Then again, we elected them, didn't we. Well...I didn't.
because of the "swarms" of migrants floundering in the med, they seem to have had the role of social worker added to their remit.
Completely our own fault, of course, although in reality the fault of our government at the insistence of our feckless do-gooders.
Then again, we elected them, didn't we. Well...I didn't.

Exactly. Bush and Blair surely bear a lot of responsibility for the suffering. The road to hell ...
The Frogs performed particularly bravely recently in that train when faced by a terrorist, didn't they?

Was just thinking the same myself. Train full of frogs, and it took 3 Yanks and a Brit to save their behinds from the towel-head terminator. But then, hasn't it been this way for a long time.

Bet it really hurt Mr Flamby to pin those Legionne d'honneur medals on foreigners' chests today. Especially seeing as they were Yanks and Brits. :LOL:

Would you have reacted like the 'Yanks'? They were young lads with a military training, used to acting quickly. The other passengers were probably civilians, famillies, old people, that sort of thing. Maybe French soldiers on leave would have acted as quickly. I would still have been thinking what to do while they were busy subduing the terrorists. Very brave lads. Reminds me of that woman who calmly talked to the nutter who had just butchered an off duty soldier, in order to keep him occupied until the police could arrive.

You may be looking too deeply into my slightly tongue in cheek post. Yes, I would hope that if I was ever in that situation I would do something proactive. With prior knowledge of these situations, being that close, tackling the terrorist may be your only hope of survival. Having more and more ROP immigrants makes it more likely and I am always vary wary when I see groups of young Asians. Recent events make you more vigilant. Sad, but that's the society that we now find ourselves with.

I have the utmost respect for our servicemen and our allies. They seem to be always expected to be the world's policemen, but more recently, because of the "swarms" of migrants floundering in the med, they seem to have had the role of social worker added to their remit. Our services do more than their fair share, whilst other nations just let them get on with it. The French, especially, will always look after their interests first, from the unionised workers all the way up to the highest levels of society. We can learn a lot from history.

I agree with much of that especially the second paragraph. The French always impose rules, then ignore them. It's sad though that groups of young Asians unsettle you, then again I grew up in Leicester. They remind me of home. :LOL:
It's sad though that groups of young Asians unsettle you
I can't speak for Turps, but I suspect that it is not 'groups of young Asians' that 'unsettles' him. They don't unsettle me, anyway.
What does unsettle me is that there are many people coming to this country - of whatever origin or culture - who are very unlikely to benefit the country. In fact, quite the opposite: many, I'm sure, are coming here for the handouts and it is very likely that some are on their way here in order to kill or to recruit others to do the same.
I have no objection to foreigners immigrating if they are people who we need for the good of this country. Other civilised countries have the same objectives - America and Australia immediately spring to mind - and will only permit immigration if the applicant can show that they are able to support themselves and are not a potential danger.
It's sad though that groups of young Asians unsettle you
I can't speak for Turps, but I suspect that it is not 'groups of young Asians' that 'unsettles' him. They don't unsettle me, anyway.
What does unsettle me is that there are many people coming to this country - of whatever origin or culture - who are very unlikely to benefit the country. In fact, quite the opposite: many, I'm sure, are coming here for the handouts and it is very likely that some are on their way here in order to kill or to recruit others to do the same.
I have no objection to foreigners immigrating if they are people who we need for the good of this country. Other civilised countries have the same objectives - America and Australia immediately spring to mind - and will only permit immigration if the applicant can show that they are able to support themselves and are not a potential danger.

That's the problem isn't it, we have no control over Europeans coming here, and for some reason there are also many from outside Europe, a minority of which are nutters. Yes we should have controls.

By the way, the nutters who blow themselves up are usually (always?) homegrown i.e. born and brought up here. Their parents were grateful to this country for the freedoms they gained. The young are impressionable, and come under the influence of extremist nutters, many of who we allowed in to preach, as part of our "Oooh, isn't it diverse, mmm, lovely, so ethnic, yippee" policy. We've restricted entry of these nutters now, but the damage has been done, and of course the interweb helps stread hate.

Have you seen the film Four Lions by Chris Morris? It's very good. It portrays jihadists as losers, which is what most are.
By the way, the nutters who blow themselves up are usually (always?) homegrown i.e. born and brought up here.

This may be explained because first generation immigrants have experience of how bad life can be in their home country, and having possibly travelled thousands of miles to get here and taken great risks, they may be slightly more grateful to be here.

However, second generations have no idea of where they come from or what it would be like if they went back to their parents' home country. Many are culturally and genetically alienated from a country that is still based on Christian principles, democracy and rule of law. Some may feel rootless. Being privileged to live in the Western world has come to them without any effort, they are more likely to take it for granted and blame indigenous people for their alienation.
Many are culturally and genetically alienated from a country that is still based on Christian principles, democracy and rule of law.
So the obvious answer is for us to change our religion, principles of government and basis of law.
Isn't it? :confused:
Or perhaps another alternative would be for those people who feel alienated here to emigrate to a country more suited to their culture? :D
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