Shower fittings

3 Jul 2006
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United Kingdom
Currently have a Triton mixer shower which i am replacing with a tower shower panel.

After removing the old shower I am left with, on each pipe, a female 1/2 inch brass fitting which has a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch dog leg male to male fitting.

The new shower has 1/2 inch flexi pipes with female tap connector on the end, which of course won't connect to the wall outlets.

What would be the easiest way to deal with this? Have browsed various plumbing websites but can't see any suitable fitting.

As a last resort, I could replace the female wall outlet to a male, but this would involve damaging tiles to get access which I hope to avoid.
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If new flexis are 1/2 inch BSP female ,and so is the fitting at the wall ,then you need a coupler that is 1/2in male at both ends ,or have I misunderstood ???
Search for brass hexagon nipple 1/2 inch BSP.
A photo could reveal more than a thousand words!!
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I managed to source some 1/2 inch couplers from a local plumbers.

Problem sorted!

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