Some problems...


Staff member
17 Aug 2001
Reaction score
United Kingdom
As you have probably noticed there have been some problems today, but hopefully they have been sorted and things will be ok.

I hope!!

Sorry about the disruption
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Cannot run search on says it cant delete previous searches?
Thanks for letting us know, should be working now.

Any other problems, let me know. :)
heeelllooo big cheese :D :D :D :D forum admin man ;)
your doing a good job fixing the problem ;) ;)

when you scroll down to page 2 of todays posts well eerr the last 3 entries are the 16th the15th andsomething else of feb
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seeing as i can't start a thread in here ill jump in this one

why are posts being removed with no explaination ?

nobody is complaining if they are abusive advertising etc.

but at least you know why you got chopped ???

and its not just the plumbing forum .


What posts?, I have moved some, also there is 1a
1 i did not post the question in two forums . i made an observation

2 i am patient

:oops: My apologies Kevplumb, the comments were not directed at your self, the question was.
well for one mine and cowboy plumbers in the plumbing forum

two mine in the sparks forum (which was a bit harsh ) didnt break the rules

the point is no explanation was posted :confused:
Whom is this "Moderator who tampers with your posts Kevin and does not reply to your reasonable questions?

One of mine was adjusted and I reported it to the moderator with a question about it and got no reply either.

I am getting the feeling that I am not welcome here with my intellligent helpful postings on technical topics! Perhaps the unidentified person who runs this site only wants the rubbish comments that are made by the likes of Traineegasman!


there are several moderators, but when we change some thing we leave a note like this one, the alert moderators button messages can not be replied to
You can email [email protected] if you have a query and hopefully we can answer your questions/concerns.

NB. Posts are not usually removed unless they are abusive or contain advertising.
moderator: there are several moderators, but when we change some thing we leave a note like this one, the alert moderators button messages can not be replied to

In that case why has the thread in plumbing on CON MEN been locked without any explanation please?

Also why are these "moderators" totally anonymous? Normal responsible people are identified by their names like I am!

Tony Glazier

the post "con men" does have an explanation as to why it was locked (it was also put there when it was locked)
Lets be fair. We don't pay a penny to post on this forum. If you drop litter in someone elses back yard, you don't expect them to ask your permission to clean it up.
If some of us did not post here, there would be lots of questions and no answers!!!

Tony Glazier

Real name, real person!!!
My point was, "He who pays the piper, names the tune".

Someone, somewhere, is paying for webspace/bandwidth to host this forum, and probably other overheads for it's maintenance. I, on the other hand, have not paid a blind cent towards it's upkeep. I consider it a privalage to put in my twopenny worth, without even paying two pennies. As such, I wouldn't presume to dictate what is, or is not, acceptable on this site.

As for anonymity. Don't you realise that practically every wierdo on the planet has access to internet nowadays. It is common sense to maintain a level of privacy in any public domain.

Doing a quick search of "tony glazier" on Google I get 620 results. So you are not actually giving too much away, are you? If I scoured through your posts, I might be able to get a clue as to which part of the country you come from. A bit more analysis and I'd probably get an idea of your age.

There are databases out there, available for trawling electoral registers. If I were to get one of these, I could probably work out exactly where you live. If I can do it, a real psychopath could (getting paranoid yet?).

Unfortunately my name is a bit more exclusive. Google just comes up with "Did you mean..." To my knowledge there is only one other person in the world that shares my name (and he lives in South America). Anyone armed with my name, and town of residence, could track me down in less than 10 minutes. (and no, I'm not famous, just unique :)).
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