Someone is trying to start a war in the Ukraine, It's NOT Russia (edit: yes it is)

"Ukraine, like Finland, has made its choice: its future is with the west. This was the case even before the Maidan revolution, when successive Ukrainian governments attempted to negotiate association agreements with the EU and align more closely with Nato. When a Russian-backed president reversed tack, Ukrainian citizens took to the streets and overthrew him. It is sad that this needs repeating, but any suggestion that the current stand-off could be resolved by pushing Ukraine into a nebulous unaligned status is a betrayal of Ukraine’s sovereign choice."
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Putin's going to invade on Wednesday. This remarkable leak of MiL Intel is in the 'Daily Fail', so it must be true.

Doesn't say if it will be before or after his breakfast tho'.

Biden good, Putin bad.
Putin's going to invade on Wednesday. This remarkable leak of MiL Intel is in the 'Daily Fail', so it must be true.

Doesn't say if it will be before or after his breakfast tho'.

Biden good, Putin bad.

He will not do a damn thing til the Chinese have had their Winter Games, when do they finish? The ten days after they end will be the time to do it.
Putin met Xi a few days before the Beijing Games began so i'd guess assurances were made in that conference.
You could also assume the Chinese will underwrite any sanctions made by the NATO allies in the short term but a great deal will hinge on NORDstream2 and Germanys need for energy. The Americans are persistent in trying to disrupt that pipeline and will go to great lengths to ensure it won't come online.
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He will not do a damn thing til the Chinese have had their Winter Games, when do they finish? The ten days after they end will be the time to do it.
Putin met Xi a few days before the Beijing Games began so i'd guess assurances were made in that conference.
You could also assume the Chinese will underwrite any sanctions made by the NATO allies in the short term but a great deal will hinge on NORDstream2 and Germanys need for energy. The Americans are persistent in trying to disrupt that pipeline and will go to great lengths to ensure it won't come online.

The "invasion" was "imminent" several times several weeks ago.
Then the invasion was "put on hold due to unfavourable weather conditions" a couple of weeks ago.
Then the russians were waiting for more troops
Then there were fake reports of blood banks being delivered to the front line
Then there are fake reports of a "false flag attack" by the UK's clown and USA reports put out many times over a week weeks ago.
Now the UK and USA has named "Wednesday" as the day of the attack

Bottom line as I've always said, no invasion at worst Dombas going like crimera as about 80% of those there support and speak Putin's language.

These fake reports are only being put out by certain countries.

Few weeks ago uk and usa told all non-eseential staff to leave and imo trying to cause panic.
Then about 3 days ago usa told their people to leave closely followed by our clown.

Now we have a named day for an attack

Would Russia really allow thousands of state of the art anti-tank weapons into a country they were ready to attack but did not before the weapons arrive - you know the answer.

The uk and usa has talked the fool Putin into a corner and thankfully he will only go into Dombas but we knew that anyway

I feel sorry for the ordinary people on all sides and the troops on the front line being played by people from their safe bukers.
When a Russian-backed president reversed tack,

Actually he needed to borrow some money due to a crap economy. Perhaps he thought the Russian terms were more favourable. The IMF ones do have strings. The group that occupied various building etc was a right wing nationalist group. All great when they came on top but those that want to remain Russian carried on fighting and a true war started. End result was the Minsk agreement. What was this about - giving that group a certain amount of autonomy. The Ukraine is well over twice the size of the UK which has 3 devolved governments plus the main one. One has 2 legal languages. Attempts to do that in the Ukraine failed.

So instead of pontificating a load of crap perhaps you should seek more detail.

That just leaves what Russia is currently doing and why.That actually is rather obvious leaving the question that the may invade or aid part of the Ukraine. Currently it's a different sort of proxy war that might turn into a real one.
Would Russia really allow thousands of state of the art anti-tank weapons into a country they were ready to attack but did not before the weapons arrive - you know the answer.

TBH I am not sure they would be worried about that. A shock and awe attack consists of taking out all utilities, great as more money rebuilding them and also military aspects. A lot of civilians get killed too. This leaves the military in a rather difficult position in terms of defending their country. A lot of this can be done from a considerable distance away. Russia has it's satellites too. More surgical attacks could be used or maybe they'd like work for Russian builders. ;) They wont have the USA UK problem where the UK reckoned they didn't get their fair share.

This date.Probably when the 10day war games in Belarus end. Those seen as more related to attacking Kiev. That suggests taking over the entire country. That sort of an attack is in some ways seen as rather old fashioned as the administration centre is lost and needs to be established again. Best example is nukes and Japan. Some rather odd rumours about the second one though.
TBH I am not sure they would be worried about that. A shock and awe attack consists of taking out all utilities, great as more money rebuilding them and also military aspects. A lot of civilians get killed too. This leaves the military in a rather difficult position in terms of defending their country. A lot of this can be done from a considerable distance away. Russia has it's satellites too. More surgical attacks could be used or maybe they'd like work for Russian builders. ;) They wont have the USA UK problem where the UK reckoned they didn't get their fair share.

This date.Probably when the 10day war games in Belarus end. Those seen as more related to attacking Kiev. That suggests taking over the entire country. That sort of an attack is in some ways seen as rather old fashioned as the administration centre is lost and needs to be established again. Best example is nukes and Japan. Some rather odd rumours about the second one though.

Re shock and awe - I guess you have a point

Putin will not invade that country other that take over Dombas that is already 80% pro Russian and it is almost as good as theirs.

Both sides ie Russians and our clown and the idiot in the USA are war mongers.
Western embassies are advising there citezins to get out ASAP

an invasion is imminent

could be tomorrow morning about
10 ish

this allows the Russians to shake off there hang overs from tonight’s
Booze up

boozed up tank drivers is not good for the Russian army’s image
Western embassies are advising there citezins to get out ASAP

an invasion is imminent

could be tomorrow morning about
10 ish

this allows the Russians to shake off there hang overs from tonight’s
Booze up

boozed up tank drivers is not good for the Russian army’s image

The "invasion" should have been a few weeks ago if you are to believe the lying bastards usa and uk. The "source" they always site re their bs info can never be named. Do you lot recall the WMD??
Both sides ie Russians and our clown and the idiot in the USA are war mongers.

It's all about influence really. Aid and loans can be as well. TBH I don't think war between major countries is possible any more due to all of the button around that are connected to nukes. ;) They would have to agree to not use them if one wants to conquer another. This is why countries aspire to have them.

Belarus is part of the Russian NATO, What better time to exercise it. It sounds like enough troops and gear is around with these included to start an invasion now. Israel is holding exercises in the occupied west bank. NATO hold them periodically. All do.

TBH I wonder if some of the things that are going relate to an intransigent Ukrainian president because some of the things the west are doing isn't doing him any good at all. If that is the case and it results in a solution you can bet we will hear things that suite a narrative based on where we live.

;) Our minister of defence must have read my post. He's pointed out that the Russians could do a lot without putting a foot in the Ukraine. Miles from it in fact.

:rolleyes:Afraid I watch Alj news now and again when interesting things are going on. Today is showed the Ukraine leader screaming don't panic especially now expats have been asked to go home. Also a smaller we will fight demo in Kiev. 100's also them putting police through new intensive training. I have suspected that the real problem is wider than just Donbas going on where various fightings have been going on. A civil war maybe. Alj - I see them as being fairly flat with their news but would wonder a bit when Israel is concerned and certain other news areas. ;) Also sounds like the French police may be getting the tear gas out again. Covid demo's joined by the usual loonies. Canada having that problem too and the USA says they are preparing for similar problems. ;) All of our artics are trying tp get into Dover so might be difficult to block the MI or what ever. The loonies that join in always make things worse.
an intransigent Ukrainian president

A shockingly Stalinist way to refer to the leader of a sovereign nation that does not want to be subjugated by a powerful neighbour again.

Again, ffs.

A shockingly Stalinist way to refer to the leader of a sovereign nation

Really? Depends on viewpoint and it maybe how the west sees him too. The only solution he offers is subjucating the people who want to be Russian or even those that want to speak that language.

Your ill informed as usual and don't realise that international politics from any side often stinks.
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