Sterling 10 - How Many PIRs

19 Jan 2006
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West Midlands
United Kingdom

I have a Pyronix Sterling 10 with 4 PIRs connected plus the front door. I would like to cover the garage and another room with additional PIRs.

I'm not sure how many connections you can make to this alarm and not really knowing alarms very well I am not really sure what I'm looking for.

Really appreciate any advice on whether any additional PIRs could be connected to this alarm.

Many thanks,

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As long as all your devices are on there own zones , then you have used 5 , and have a further 3 at your disposal.

Thanks for the replies.

What is the best way to establish if all the PIRs are on their own zones? Would it be possible to add a PIR on a DIY basis and if so, any recommendations on products?

Many thanks,

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Do a walk test , this will establish which detector is on which zone.If you can't do a walk test , set the system and have somebody trigger each detector whilst you watch the keypad , make a list of what is displayed when the detectors are triggered.
Only you will know if you have the capabilities required to add detectors.There are only 6 connections to be made at each end.Most detectors will do..get quads if you can afford..don't put a pir in a draughty garage.You may also require the engineers guide , to program in the extra detectors..there is a good website ( ukpanels) that has many "how to" guides on.

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