Stock market dealing

  • 10/04/2024 16:27
    Microsoft Corp (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 16:20
    NVIDIA Corp (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 16:02
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 15:54
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 15:51
    Microsoft Corp (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 15:32
    NVIDIA Corp (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 15:05
    NVIDIA Corp (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 14:57
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 14:46
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 14:40
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 10/04/2024 14:39
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)

  • Total

    Decided to give it my full attention for two hours today. So boring, I don't think I could do it all day.
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3/11, hmm.. Do you look back to see what was wrong with the L's? Some will be just the chance element, natch.
I found microstrategy as BTC was up. It rose 10%, about 140 bucks. ENough.

Always look for those. It's easy to forget them when SC is hollerin about 30c on something. That guy's a 'piece of work'. He obviously didn't like someone who asked him a question which he presumably felt impuned his holiness.
He did get a lot of trades right today, though he didn't go to MSTR.
I often forget my own list of stocks to check, for all-day-runners.
It would be
The crypto related stocks : COIN, MARA, RIOT, HUT8 and MSTR - that's assuming you can't get to the coins directly or IBIT.
MSTR is leveraged.
QQQ5 is sometimes well behaved, and there's SMH - all chips.
Cannabis stocks are good to look at now that various places are allowing more use. Um, WEED, CGC, ACB TLRY.
There are sectors for eg Gas and Oil which includes some of the Shell, Oxy, XOM companies. That can be a steady one. XLE I think.
Gold is odd, it looks like it may be coming to the end of its rally, Oddly the gold etc miners haven't gone up. Need to check which those are.
Canadian Resourses CNQ is doing very well - there are others like them.

As I said, I'm looking more for the steadier gainers now.
It takes me half an hour to check round the various funds and whatnot. I need to learn how to scrape numbers off websites so I can automate it! QuIte often any day's trading gains are wiped out if the market generally trips up. Can't do much about it
Hope you had a better day @Arbu .
Lots of risers to make life easier.
It'll be earnings from a couple of weeks time. Chips usually rise into earnings, so time to buy. What they do AT earnings can be crazy, it's a lottery to hold them right through. I've won overall, but on a couple had to trade the pullback after they went the wrong way. PANW was a mistake but Micron was a win.
I'll be buying dips on Arm, AMD, Nvda. SMC, ASML, AMZN MSFT, AAPL GOOG should be solid overall.

TTV called out a couple of rapid movers -RENT and Morgan Stanley, which paid well.
I saw that the odds on Robert Kennedy to win the US presidential election had shortened markedly, and that Pfizer and Astra Zeneca share prices had started the day off badly. He's a vaccine denier. So I decided to take that trend further down.

  • 12/04/2024 09:28
    AstraZeneca PLC
  • 11/04/2024 16:35
    Pfizer Inc (All Sessions)
  • Total
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  • 12/04/2024 17:19
    Spot Gold
  • 12/04/2024 16:31
    Spot Gold
  • 12/04/2024 16:23
    Marathon Digital Holdings Inc
  • 12/04/2024 16:15
    Spot Gold
  • 12/04/2024 15:00
    Microsoft Corp (All Sessions)
  • 12/04/2024 14:51
    Microsoft Corp (All Sessions)
  • -£469.85
Blimmin eck mate, STOP.
"It" can work, but not the way you're doing it.
Size right down until you find a way to win most of your trades, do something different. You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

Maybe hold things longer. I got some gold a couple of weeks ago,

Late to the party but it's cleared 11% or so. If you found something doing that every 3 weeks (this was 2) you'd be x6 in a year.
It dropped a bit today, but with the sabres rattling in the middle east it might be worth hanging on to, I thought.
This weekend could see WW3 breakout and godnose what.
That SHawn bloke is quite often right. "Follow" the channel and sign up or whatever it is and get the morning briefing. Adara puts it together from Benzinga. Do you do that? Then just use the stocks which have catalysts. He sometimes gets the direction wrong but it's clear to everyone other than him - he stubbornly tries to go the other way and usually comes out on top because he's very good at scalping. I'm not, I'd lose.
Usually if there's a catalyst, the stock will trend one way or the other strongly - not always the way you'd think, or only after a spell going the other way.
3/4 of Neal's picks usually work out to be sound too.

I just sat in Mara as per usual. It was smoother than MSTR. It went down 10%.
Bitcoin was going down
Coinbase went down
Hut 8 went down
So what the heck were you doing going long on Mara??
"The trend is your friend"
Don't try to be clever catching reversals.
"The market can be unreasonable longer than your money will last".
Wait for a reversal, then follow the trend.
"Don't anticipate, participate". These things work!.
Bitcoin hadn't changed direction. The reversal was quite sharp so you could have got out of it for a short time there, and rejoined when it started dropping again. I tend to do that, then miss the re-entry, so it's easier to stay in as long as the situation hasn't changed.

Here's Neal's from today
See where he says "Stay nimble and ..... "


They're a kind of sreetspeak which I don't like. You have to translate them into English.

MSFT, AMD, INTC all did as predicted, more or less. INTC would have done. I don'y like the choppy ones.
BABA he was on about. Look at it. Once it had your attention, that would have done nicely.

ANothe approach you could try would be to focus on few which are trending over a period, and look after them during a day. Sell the peaks, buy the dips.
Often they peak mid afternoon. Watch for the 0.5% UK tax. You can use ETF's butthe soread can be horrible, so only buy during main hours and try a £10 purchase to see whatthespread is.
If you hav those 3x etf's (tax free) youcan use those.

At the moment, these have been trending up, though the trend has ben choppy the last few days:
GE, RHM (Rheinmetall, there's a $ one and a Euro one), Cocoa, Coffee, others I've forgotten. Anet, Often Baba.
Check a stock screener for things which have risen in the last hour, 4 hours, day and week and month. (TradingView)
Size right down until you find a way to win most of your trades, do something different. You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
What exactly am I supposed to stop? Who says I'm doing the same thing over and over again? I tried gold yesterday, hadn't been trying that before. But I'll try sizing down and holding for longer, it will mean I can set my stops further away, so maybe that will help, but I doubt it.
"Follow" the channel and sign up or whatever it is and get the morning briefing. Adara puts it together from Benzinga. Do you do that?
Yes, I tried that in February. Didn't work. So decided to start trying other things.
So what the heck were you doing going long on Mara??
Buying the dip. for bitcoin the 20MA moved up above both the 50 and 100MAs, so looked like a good time to get in. And I think bitcoin moves in parallel with gold, which was going up.
See where he says "Stay nimble and ..... "
"Stay nimble and don't fight the trend traders". Advice to stay nimble is facile. Don't find the trend traders. So go long gold on Friday like I did?
MSFT, AMD, INTC all did as predicted, more or less. INTC would have done. I don'y like the choppy ones.
BABA he was on about. Look at it. Once it had your attention, that would have done nicely.
MSFT 423L. It went there first thing, and if you get out like Shawn for $1/2 you would have been alright. But then it came down for most of the rest of the day.
AMD 172S. It never went there.
INTC 37.5S. It never went there.
BABA 73L. It was there just before the open, so I suppose you might have got in long there. Then it spent the whole day coming down, so you would have lost.
MS 88S. Never went there.


  • bitcoin.JPG
    111.1 KB · Views: 18
What exactly am I supposed to stop? Who says I'm doing the same thing over and over again?
Stop trying to catch a reversal against the trend. Only go with the trend.
Who? Me. Often when I look at your trades I find the same things - poor entry points, mostly.
You must have multiple reasons for entering - none of which is just because you thought you'd try it.
A twitch in btc isn't enough to lose that much on Mara. Did any of the other COIN related stocks reverse?
Stop trying to be cute - go with the flow, small enough that if it reverses you can get out before it hurts.
"Don't Anticipate, Participate"

You "tried gold" - why? I bought gold a bit ago, when it had been 1)rising for a while, on the back of 2)market uncertainties and 3)bother in the middle east, plus 4)the price action. I kept a stop loss under it. As time went by I let it have more wiggle room, but if it drops I'll still be up.
I hope you had some reasons.

Why "hold for longer"? You risk losing more. It can meander all over the place during the day, and it often ends up where it started, but holding on waiting for that is not a good plan unless the potential loss is well within your tolerance. Otherwise you will blow your account. If you have no particular reason to believe a trend direction then get out. You've often been staying on too long on your larger losses. You can always get back in. If it's consolidating, look elsewhere.
If you're in an up trend and it's just a reversal then yes, you can stay long. If very not sure, get out.
If I'm heavy starting a position I tend to get out if it goes backwards more than a spread or two. You can always re-enter. If I'm looking for Mara to follow btc down, I let it settle a bit unless it's already started off the right way. There's often a jiggle at the start of day.

"Buying the dip" that wasn't a dip, it was just part of a downtrend. Bitcoin trend was down, as were ALL the others.
If btc had started to go up again, then OK. A Trend is lower lows and lower highs (or vv), not a small pullback.

A DIp is a drop from an established level, or under Resistance, where you expect it to come back up. NOT a reversion in a downtrend, or "every time it goes down".

Advice to stay nimble is facile

It's not, it makes you get out when you're losing, which would have saved you a lot. He means be prepared to reassess.
Then he says don't fight the trend - yep.
You seem to be acting on a whim and then finding flimsy reasons for it, and making excuses. You have to lose the emotions.

"So go long gold on Friday like I did?"
In a downtrend, no.
You're trying to justify to me, going long here:

You let it drop between the horizontals.
If you can't see that was daft, your heed's in the wrong place, friend, the "mental" has got to you. Obi calls it "lost in the sauce". The psych side is the most difficult part of trading.

I wouldn't write it if it were nonsense. If you think it's nonsense, you haven't understood.
You said yourself:
"if you get out like Shawn for $1/2 you would have been alright." Yes that's right. so if you'd gone $20 a cent, if that's what the 20 means on your Gold folly, you'd have made a grand, then got out if you were quick enough. That's what Shawn DOES, he's bloody good at it. He reduces his size very quickly. People often ask him why he's still in a reversing position and he says he only has 10% or 25% left. Of course he makes a big fuss if it comes right. There are no hard and fast rules about ewhen touhold on and when to get out, but oone way you can lose, the other you don't win as much. I prefer the latter.

His numbers are quite often only valid off the jump. He starts with a few thousand shares.

AMD - He writes his notes early. The Price WAS was up around there in the premarket. Short he said. Short it went, so he was up $5 or so.
INTC. The level was right, the direction was right, again the timing was off. It went DOWN all day bar a blip at the open so he won again, as did everyone else. 2% or so.
BABA like I said, sometimes go the other way than he thinks, but he did say "Bad trade data out of China". What he tends to find is things which are likely to move becausee there are thngs going on. . Baba is very low now and the Chinese have a habit of getting mysterious (gov) support. Have a look at the chart - pull out - and you'll see where it is.
As Neal said on one of his little lectures the other day, be nimble and don't fight the trend - the trend was clearly DOWN. Baba's at a bottom now and more likely to rally.
I wouldn't have lost, I wouldn't have entered Long because the trend was established short.

You seem to be looking for "little" reasons to justify what you do and someone/thing to blame. You do have to do some homework on the stock's levels, Benzinga (c/o TTV), and assess whether it's really a price action you can cope with. I can't cope if they're choppy. I'm not very good at buying the dips and selling the pops. It works, but I'm clumsy. Partly the platform.

Stick to what works for others - like working in a channel
Yes, I tried that in February. Didn't work. So decided to start trying other things.
really IS nonsense. It works with a high probablity, ask any successful trader. If it didn't work for you, maybe there was a breakout - learn how to see when they're coming , on MACD (I gave you some better numbers) or Commodity channel or RSI. They will not give you a guarantee but they help the odds.
Like when there's a reversion or a false breakout - check the volume, which often indicates what's likely to happen. There's a lot to learn but you can get your % of winners up and losses trimmed until you can make it work.
If you aren't self-controlled enough or start blaming the market or your bad luck, you're doing it wrong. Stop.
You have to be able to think quickly and consider everything, objectively. That's hard, I can't do it like I would have been able to 40 years ago. If it's a day of not much and everything is consolidating, drop it.
Work on screeners, find stocks like RHM or GE or RR or Canadian Resources or Lockheed Martin or the other defence related stocks, check for upcoming news on cannabis regulations, see whose results are coming out in a couple of weeks. Look at the balance sheet for something like Boeing which is in the dumps - if the company's strong they'll come back up. Check the opposition - AIrbus. Look at sites which try to predict which way a company's results are likely to be. Avoid the fanboy stocks on those though. There's plenty you can do.

Find a trender - say RHM:

CHeck the news- there was a reason why it dropped -
then look closer in

Something of a channel there. It'll be back at 560 soon
Those rises in the channel are like $4 in half an hour if you look closer in, at the 1 minute chart. There's scope.
You can't use a stop loss cos of wicks, is the only snag, so you have to watch it. If they aren't strong and clear moves, drop it - wait for one which is. ONLY trade if all that you can think of is right. You will still have missed something... Use TTV, they do think of most things.
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No, I don't look at Benzinga, but I look at the email that comes out from TraderTV which I understand is based on Benzinga. I can't look at everything.

Is there something fundamental that I don't understand about the prices of these stocks? AMD simply did not go to 172. See the chart.

You seem to be making apologies for Shawn. BABA sometimes goes the other way to what he says. Yeah, I find that happens with my trades too. He writes his notes early and then only publishes them at 2pm. So they're not even predictions are they, they are just statements of what has happened in the pre-market?


    109.3 KB · Views: 26
Tried to follow the tradertv traders closely today, as I have done in the past, without success. Spirit Air trade was independent of that, so perhaps the result wasn't so terrible if you factor that out. Still losing though.

  • 15/04/2024 15:53 Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 15:41
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 15:26
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 15:24
    Spirit Airlines Inc
  • 15/04/2024 15:08
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 15:07
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 15:03
    Alphabet Inc - A (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:59
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:45
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:43
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:39
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:38
    Apple Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:37
    Apple Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:36
    Apple Inc (All Sessions)
  • 15/04/2024 14:35
    Apple Inc (All Sessions)
  • Total
You can look at Benzinga's free output - free phone app, quite interesting, not extensive.

AMD simply did not go to 172. See the chart.

OK he was out by about 1.3. It's the level he was referring to. It came down from that level. Worked for me.
Do you think it would have been significantly less useful if he's said 170.7?
I don't think so.

You seem to be making apologies for Shawn. BABA sometimes goes the other way to what he says. Yeah, I find that happens with my trades too. He writes his notes early and then only publishes them at 2pm. So they're not even predictions are they, they are just statements of what has happened in the pre-market?

I've already explained, how I see it. If you listened to the "Lessons of the day" etc that they do, they address the phenomenon of things being active, but going the other way. Often it's for one more day, or part of a day.
No they aren't statements of what has happened earlier in the day. He gives levels of interest, a direction he thinks the price will move. Sometimes they jump from a level, but not for long.
It's very rare that nothing happens to a stock he picks out - but that does happen too. I'm not defeding him, I don't need to. Usually he's right according to his own assessment, on 4 out of 5 or more. Sometimes his assessment may not accord with mine - but that can be because there are only a few words on the note.

He doesn't give instructions, he only partly explains what he's doing. Up to you to try to understand him and the ramifications. I find that hard, mostly. He thinks he's a teacher - he's not, he's too arrogant and too big headed. He seems to want adulation for being good at something he's been doing 20 years. Teachers don't do that.
Neal's explanations like the one today (about 5:15 our time, have a look at it) are quite long, to explain what he ( and similarly SHawn) see all at once when it occurs. Sometimes he's hard to follow too, the language barrier doesn't help. They both use a lot of jargon without realising it.
You won't be able to follow what they do, the usually only say when it's done, though sometimes they do forewarn. I try to see what they're on about for a stock, and follow in spirit. They can keep a dozen stocks characteristics in their head - I can't.

Today was nasty because of the news from Israel. Even without that that it was too choppy for me, mostly. Apple and Googl were moving too slowly. I was doing something else. When the market tanked Iheard and dumped a lump of money on the qqq short. It went about 1.5%, so earned a bit, but far less than I lost on investments tied to the markets....

Tried to follow the tradertv traders closely today, as I have done in the past, without success. Spirit Air trade was independent of that, so perhaps the result wasn't so terrible if you factor that out. Still losing though.
I'm not surprised, even though they were only Long in Googl and Apple most of the day.
All the faster stuff is difficult. I also skip the ones where the spread is wide. Like Spririt Air normally has
They do a lot more besides, I think - we only heard about SC's big position which hurt him, when their system broke and the market tanked. He lost 20% of a month's earnings.

Maybe the best way with "them" is to read about say 3 stocks - often including AMD, Google, do nothing for the first few minutes and see how things develp in relation to the premarket info. Usually the direction is clear by then.

I haven't looked at the chart much wrt your trades but I see 3 Teslas which went wrong. Oh surprise - you were trying to go against the trend!
Stop it! 14;43 etc,
They were in the middle of this bit. 5 min chart - easier to see a trend

Were you one of those kids who always did the opposite of what they were told??!!
You can look at Benzinga's free output - free phone app, quite interesting, not extensive.

AMD simply did not go to 172. See the chart.
View attachment 340281
OK he was out by about 1.3. It's the level he was referring to. It came down from that level. Worked for me.
Do you think it would have been significantly less useful if he's said 170.7?
I don't think so.

I've already explained, how I see it. If you listened to the "Lessons of the day" etc that they do, they address the phenomenon of things being active, but going the other way. Often it's for one more day, or part of a day.
No they aren't statements of what has happened earlier in the day. He gives levels of interest, a direction he thinks the price will move. Sometimes they jump from a level, but not for long.
It's very rare that nothing happens to a stock he picks out - but that does happen too. I'm not defeding him, I don't need to. Usually he's right according to his own assessment, on 4 out of 5 or more. Sometimes his assessment may not accord with mine - but that can be because there are only a few words on the note.

He doesn't give instructions, he only partly explains what he's doing. Up to you to try to understand him and the ramifications. I find that hard, mostly. He thinks he's a teacher - he's not, he's too arrogant and too big headed. He seems to want adulation for being good at something he's been doing 20 years. Teachers don't do that.
Neal's explanations like the one today (about 5:15 our time, have a look at it) are quite long, to explain what he ( and similarly SHawn) see all at once when it occurs. Sometimes he's hard to follow too, the language barrier doesn't help. They both use a lot of jargon without realising it.
You won't be able to follow what they do, the usually only say when it's done, though sometimes they do forewarn. I try to see what they're on about for a stock, and follow in spirit. They can keep a dozen stocks characteristics in their head - I can't.

Today was nasty because of the news from Israel. Even without that that it was too choppy for me, mostly. Apple and Googl were moving too slowly. I was doing something else. When the market tanked Iheard and dumped a lump of money on the qqq short. It went about 1.5%, so earned a bit, but far less than I lost on investments tied to the markets....

I'm not surprised, even though they were only Long in Googl and Apple most of the day.
All the faster stuff is difficult. I also skip the ones where the spread is wide. Like Spririt Air normally has
They do a lot more besides, I think - we only heard about SC's big position which hurt him, when their system broke and the market tanked. He lost 20% of a month's earnings.

Maybe the best way with "them" is to read about say 3 stocks - often including AMD, Google, do nothing for the first few minutes and see how things develp in relation to the premarket info. Usually the direction is clear by then.

I haven't looked at the chart much wrt your trades but I see 3 Teslas which went wrong. Oh surprise - you were trying to go against the trend!
Stop it! 14;43 etc,
They were in the middle of this bit. 5 min chart - easier to see a trend
View attachment 340289
Were you one of those kids who always did the opposite of what they were told??!!
I can't find yesterday afternoon's session on youtube, only the morning one.
I went long on Tesla just cos I was trying to emulate Shawn and that's what he was doing.
School physics report: "I cannot comment on his work this term because he hasn't done any. His only act of note has been to arrive at a class on time when everyone else was late, because he was skipping assembly, and hadn't realised that it had overrun. He will probably get an A1 in his A/S levels."

  • 16/04/2024 16:09
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 16:08
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 15:54
    Tesla Motors Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 15:51
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 15:50
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 15:49
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 15:33
    Goldman Sachs Group Inc (All Sessions)
  • 16/04/2024 15:29
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • Total
Getting luckier perhaps

  • 17/04/2024 16:03
    Bank of America Corp (All Sessions)
  • 17/04/2024 15:39
    Marathon Digital Holdings Inc
  • 17/04/2024 15:21
    Marathon Digital Holdings Inc
  • 17/04/2024 15:14
    Advanced Micro Devices Inc (All Sessions)
  • 17/04/2024 15:13
    Boeing Co (All Sessions)
  • 17/04/2024 14:56
    Meta Platforms Inc (All Sessions)
  • Total
If you goole tradertvlive afternoon and the date you get it, like
They're teaching good stuff at the moment, Neal's bit is always good..

A levels, don't remind me. I had to do 5 then two more, 'S' I think they were called. Never worked as hard.

Thems results of yours are a bit better, well done. Are you doing anythng different, like avoiding counter-trend trades??!

Ah well there's one difference tween thee and me - I went for AMD too, it looked like it was going to be a short, likely all day....
Your trade is the diagonal of the yellow dotty box, mine's the blue one: (doesn't look blue - the bigger one)


Apart from one insignificant call, the sticky note was a bust today, though SC was crowing about it.

I must say though it's the influence of TTV which made me hold things like that AMD all day. Did the same with Gold, which went the other way by about the same amount. I don't normally look at gold but I'd bought some recently, so I was aware of it. And it was the only thing not dropping. Other than cocoa, sadly.

Apart from those two, I chased a few other things around to keep interested, like shorting TSLA and NVDA and the qqq. About another 120 trades, quite a number "within the candle". Some of those failed...
I don't like the feel of the market at the mo, like it's waiting for a pullback and Iran etc could be what it needs, so I've moved investment stuff into Money Market funds. They get about 5% pa which isn't bad.
I put 20k into a shiny new S&S Isa, but at the mo it's not invested. I'm not sure there's anything I trust to not drop .

By the way, if you're up at 8 on EU morket open, RHM in Germany usually jumps about a bit. You get a rise, a pullback etc in the first 20 mins or so. I cleared a couple of hundred in each of the last few days but today was better. It a HAS been then rising all day. This morning it dropped. then came back , then dropped and kept dropping. Wife asked what I was doing before I got dressed, so I said "handbag". Told me off, she's got two already. She's cheap to run.
That's a 5% move! I wanted some weetabix so after the bottom at about 8:35 I put a trail on it coming back up and left it.
It didn't trip so I closed at 10:30 on the MA. Total 9%, (x5) cleared 5 figures. Never had that so easy before.
NB again, equal length red wicks told me where it was likely to turn back up. 5 min candles.

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