Tactical voting plan

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
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Tactical voting could cost the Conservatives up to 60 seats at a snap general election and eject Boris Johnson from No 10, new polling has found.

The poll, for the People’s Vote campaign, comes after it unveiled plans for the biggest vote-swapping drive in history, to support the best-placed candidate in more than 100 battleground seats

Over 420 seats have leave majorities, if these people vote tactically then Lib/Lab will get stuffed.
The seats most at risk are the marginals and most of them have leave majorities, so be careful what you wish for.
The problem for remainers is that most of their support is concentrated in the big Cities.
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Tactical voting could cost the Conservatives up to 60 seats at a snap general election and eject Boris Johnson from No 10, new polling has found.

The poll, for the People’s Vote campaign, comes after it unveiled plans for the biggest vote-swapping drive in history, to support the best-placed candidate in more than 100 battleground seats

Rofl.....Tactical voting...You cannot even decide in a binary vote
Nigel Farage will be reading that link with glee. A Johnson/Farage pact will see off the Lib Dems so bring it on!!
Nigel Farage will be reading that link with glee. A Johnson/Farage pact will see off the Lib Dems so bring it on!!

Yes, I want Johnson to really pizz off the EU.
Then I want the hardest Brexit possible

Then I can stand back and enjoy Johnson own it.
A couple of times, I have seen you being accused of being indecisive. I am just pointing out that I should be the one being accused of being indecisive.

As I have trouble choosing anything from mobile phones to bog paper!
A couple of times, I have seen you being accused of being indecisive. I am just pointing out that I should be the one being accused of being indecisive.

As I have trouble choosing anything from mobile phones to bog paper!

Is it you thats got that smartphone thread running.........
Tactical voting

My tactic is not to vote :LOL:

I could be convinced other wise but it depends what's in it for me ;):sneaky:
How much is in the envelope ;)

"ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"
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