The olympics

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
Four years from now we'll be in the midst of the worst economic downturn in living memory - if not ever.

Do we really want the Olympics in the midst of a depression?

Can we change our minds please and give it to Paris?

It'll cost about £20 billion quid for a couple of wet weeks one July.

I'm against it - how about you?
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I can't see how it is going to be of any benifit to me at all.

We are being told not to buy as much food to save money, yet the government are peeing our money up against the wall on stupid things like this.

I'd love to give the games to paris.
We will win just as few medals regardless of where the competition is held.
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It'll help greatly, we can discuss the winners and their medals for years to come, not unlike the 1966 football world cup victory which is still discussed to this day!
with the onsort of a recession,makes you wonder if the government are going to be rubbing there hands together with glee,the cost of all the building kept on rising and now it will drop like a stone and all the builders invovled with it will end up cutting each other just to get the work,thus push down the daily rate for the builders,makes you wonder whether this has all been planned by the government so it doesnt end up like the white elephant it was heading to be,
conspiracy theory???
heres a good one,pull our troops outa iraq put them on the borders to stop all forigners entering,then with the money saved on giro freaks,who never intend on one days work once there here, only how much they can take,give us native English etc better standards, we woudnt be in a position were in now,we pay THE MOST FOR EVERYTHING,were SOFT TOUCH,europe Laughs AT US,ok ive had me mad moment, hope i havent upset anyone,old saying, say what you mean, mean what you say !!
Its not about the cost it's about the winning and taking part!
isnt the idea of the olympics about bringing all of the people together?
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