The page cannot be displayed

26 Oct 2007
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United Kingdom
Im getting this whenever I try accessing any website. It only happens on my daughters laptop which uses XP.
Anyone got any ideas, I've looked at other threads concerning this problem but they've not been any help.
All suggestions gratefully received.
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Any website?

That sounds like it's not accessing the internet.

Are you using wifi or a cable on this laptop?
If wifi try a cable to see if it connects, if it does then you need to look at the wifi settings, is it on, can you reinstall drivers.

BTW - it would help if you explained what you have tried and what these other threads suggested so that we do not suggest the same thing.
Im getting this whenever I try accessing any website. It only happens on my daughters laptop which uses XP.
Anyone got any ideas, I've looked at other threads concerning this problem but they've not been any help.
All suggestions gratefully received.
Children often accidentally hit the wifi key/switch turning it off disconnecting them from the internet.Usually denoted by a blue light if turned on .
Or you could be sitting in a wifi dead spot?
Or you are using it in you own home and don't have wifi?
Or she is visiting and you have never linked it to your wifi.?
Many more possibles but need more info.
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Sorry I didnt get back, not been well, she took it to a friend of a friend, all sorted thanx. I dont know what was done with it!