The worlds oldest spider (?)

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
snuffed it after being stung by a wasp.

A female trap door spider thought to be the worlds oldest spider,living in Western Australia, has been observed for 43 years as part of a long term population study .
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Not at all having trod the jungles of Belize whilst in the royal marines and also done the French foreign legion course I've a healthy respect for deadly things like these but if I could I'd snuf em.
things like the fer de lance and trap door spiders would have no place in my world.Bob
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Don't think so I had the chance to go down under once didn't go cos I've seen my share of creepy crawlies and don't fancy looking around in the bog for things that make you Ill before taking a dump
And yes I know everything is put on earth for a reason but I've seen enough of em so keep em away from me please.Bob
43 years seems old for a spider to me ??

A while back they trawled up a Greenland shark , & found out that it has been swimming around for 400 years :eek:
I trekked in Belize and Guatemala - at night you hold your torch to your forehead or use a head mount to light up the eyes of all the spiders so you could avoid stepping on them.

Both countries are amazing, but not places you'd go as a couple - definitely safety in numbers.
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