Tobias Elwood says we should rejoin Single Market

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
A senior Conservative backbencher has suggested Britain should rejoin the single market to ease the cost of living crisis.

Tobias Ellwood, the chairman of the Commons defense select committee, said that “radical thinking” is required to tackle rising inflation, even if it means accepting EU regulations and freedom of movement.

The MP, who has been a vocal critic of Boris Johnson, said politicians “must dare to assess how Brexit, the biggest geopolitical decision in a generation, is faring

Yup we should rejoin Single Market because leaving it is responsible for significant part of cost of living crisis.
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Maybe re-join the Single Market ( trading organisation) but not the European Union ( law creating organisation ) ,
He sounds more like a stalking horse every day, taking every opportunity to get under de Piffle's skin with soundbites.
Only the diehard Brexiters thought leaving the Customs Union was necessary and if the UK had stayed in, this trouble in NI would've been avoided.
Maybe re-join the Single Market ( trading organisation) but not the European Union ( law creating organisation ) ,
Not available though, is it? You take the Four Freedoms or nothing.
No Maastricht or Lisbon opt outs, change to the Euro...
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Maybe re-join the Single Market ( trading organisation) but not the European Union ( law creating organisation ) ,
That could be possible.
A more flexible EU will have more chance of survival in the long term.
Instead of a one size fits all approach to member states, each member state should have it terms and conditions tailored to suit the individual state.
Hungary and Poland have shown that they can have different energy and domestic law policies from the rest of the EU and still remain members.
A more flexible EU will have more chance of survival in the long term
It is flexible, the EU offered Theresa May the backstop, which allowed the whole of the UK stay inside the SM with no membership contribution.
We should stop printing money, stop pandering to other countries and stop paying people not to work.
Hungary and Poland have shown that they can have different energy and domestic law policies from the rest of the EU and still remain members
No they haven’t, they have right wing populist govts that are not democratic and don’t satisfy EU membership requirements.

Polish and Hungary have Govts that effectively rule by decree, ie dictatorships
stop paying people not to work
So you would have people too I’ll to work die of hunger.

Tell me Andy what’s your solution to a woman who has children and is a victim of domestic violence - would you refuse to give her money?
, change to the Euro...

Would have been dead against this years ago. However, as the pound has lost the best part of 1/3 of it's value against Euro in 20 years, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to change to something more stable. Going alone has shown The UK for the basket case it is, and the Pound is in trouble. Brexit was the final nail. Doris and co have no answers except to blame everyone else (this week it's haulage and airline industries turn) for the disaster instigated by Camoron and rammed through by the Party Animal. They're determined to take us down with their ruinous ideologies, lies and incompetence.
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nstead of a one size fits all approach to member states, each member state should have it terms and conditions tailored to suit the individual state
It does

the UK had more opt outs than any other nation state
We should stop printing money, stop pandering to other countries and stop paying people not to work.
So, by your definition of things, whilst I have paid tax and NI all my life when I'm ill or injured (as has happened a couple of times in my life) I should not be entitled to claim any money - or be paid not to work?
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