Tool theft from vans

Amount of VAT paid on input: Nil (because they were all stolen)

Amount of VAT due on output: 15%

Difference between input and output: 15%
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I was just reading up on this case again.
The value of goods is estimated at £2.4 million. Confiscation proceedings are beginning in May 2020.
The value of the VAT fraud is just over £600,000.
The co-accused pleaded guilty to fraudulent evasion of VAT and transfer of criminal property on dates from July 1, 2001 to April 9, 2015.

JD. You are clever I must admit.
Everyone in the community is just glad this bloke is behind bars. It took a long time though. Far too long.
The amount of people who lost property is who I feel most sorry for.
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Have about £10k of tools in the back of my van.
Thankfully I don't work in schitt hole lawless towns or cities anymore.
If I do, it will be as a labourer. And will be transported there by someone else.
It doesn’t matter where you live or work. It goes around.
It doesn’t matter where you live or work. It goes around.

It does matter as regards where I work and it does not go around.
Where I work I know my van and tools are pretty safe. 99 percent safe.
In the city or towns? About 60 percent safe.
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It’s a good idea to mark all tools, police often recover many a tool only to find the cannot identify the owners.