Triggering article 16 will create turmoil in the North

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
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They voted for it, even though the article suggests that they weren't warned.
Maybe they just chose to swallow the nationalistic rhetoric?
Or maybe they were too dumbed down to do a bit of research?

Either way, sod 'em!
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Why are quoting a die hard Irish Nationalist.
Hardly an impartial commentator.
Is he wrong? I haven't looked into how disruptive article 16 would be for NI but I'd imagine it won't be fun.
Is he wrong? I haven't looked into how disruptive article 16 would be for NI but I'd imagine it won't be fun.
How would it be disruptive.
The Protocol has not yet been fully implemented.
It is the Protocol that is the problem.

Article 16 is a legitimate provision within the Protocol which can be invoked unilaterally by either party.
The EU was the first party to trigger article 16 albeit for a short period.
The UK is perfectly within its rights to invoke article 16.
How would it be disruptive.
The Protocol has not yet been fully implemented.
It is the Protocol that is the problem.

Article 16 is a legitimate provision within the Protocol which can be invoked unilaterally by either party.
The EU was the first party to trigger article 16 albeit for a short period.
The UK is perfectly within its rights to invoke article 16.
What do you think will happen if the UK decide to shelve the agreement? The EU will apply its own actions in return.
Of course it does

“sausages”’ for starters ;)
Goods moved freely before Brexit - the people of the UK knew Brexit would affect this detrimentally - brexit happens - goods are now not moving freely anymore, as expected.

You can't trigger article 16 because you are having a tantrum when you realise Brexit is a pile of poo.

Hand - forehead - slap!
What do you think will happen if the UK decide to shelve the agreement?

The leaders of the 27 EU countries will sit round a table and disagree about what to do next. Sanctions and tariffs will hurt some of them as much as they hurt us, quite possibly more so, Rep of Ireland definitely more so.
The EU are arguably already in breach of the TCA on several fronts, they know that whatever steps they take in response need to be measured and within the law, Macron will be trying to push it further one way and Mark Rutte trying to pull it back the other way.

UK invoking article 16 would be a legitimate move due to the problems the protocol is causing to internal trade between UK/NI, the EU would be forced to negotiate seriously to resolve the problems.
If the EU can move on from it's position of trying to punish the UK (as verified by the French Gov last week) sanity might prevail.

Let's face it, with Putin closing in on the EU, they need all the friends they can get.
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