
In the 70's they were all the rage.... especially in Mexico and the US... so where are they these days? And with documents being released, are we any clearer as to what they were?

Didn't a radio presenter see one the other day on his way to work? allegedly?

Surely these days, just about everyone has an 8Mpixel camera with 5x zoom in their pocket just about all the time... shouldn't we be seeing thousands of sightings each year?
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But... do people with 8mega pixel cameras , always have them on their person at all times? I certainly don't carry my camera with me at all times. I do have a mobile phone with a 2 mega pixel camera. Probably no good for taking photo's of aliens though (unless they pose for the camera at a very close range ) ;) ;) ;) ;)
But... do people with 8mega pixel cameras , always have them on their person at all times? I certainly don't carry my camera with me at all times. I do have a mobile phone with a 2 mega pixel camera. Probably no good for taking photo's of aliens though (unless they pose for the camera at a very close range ) ;) ;) ;) ;)

i=phones and many others have great cameras in them... but there are millions more cameras around today than in the 70's... so why not millions more pics or videos? what was going on in the 70's?
In these days of almost "Instant News" (on tv etc) UFO's come way down the pecking order. Today we have the riots, as they happen. Tsunami's as they happen,,, live from the stock market, as it happens.
Unless one of these UFO's decides to land right in front of television centre, or makes an appearance above the White House,, we're unlikely to see them making the news. ;) ;) ;)
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In the 70's they were all the rage.... especially in Mexico and the US... so where are they these days? And with documents being released, are we any clearer as to what they were?

Didn't a radio presenter see one the other day on his way to work? allegedly?

Surely these days, just about everyone has an 8Mpixel camera with 5x zoom in their pocket just about all the time... shouldn't we be seeing thousands of sightings each year?

I had a teacher at college, ex alcoholic, that was adament that UFO exist, and spent most of the lesson, explaining why. Then we did a bit of math.

His explaination, is that UFO's now have the ability to be invisible, and that several hover above us daily.

So if you feel a breeze on your face, that was due to the downdraft of a UFO.... :eek:

O....K.....Whatever.... :rolleyes:

Lots of people have camera phones, and always say how good the latest camera phone is, but the pictures of the riots, were awful, shaky blocky images? Whats that on about?

But I suspect someone will say they saw a UFO over the next few nights, as the Earth is due a meteor storm, 1 per minute. Apparently.
It's the same with ghosts. Soon as the old emulsion film disappeared so did the ghosts. The UFOs were never there. Neither were the ghosts.

If you Google Anal Probing then you'll see that aliens travel across the universe to probe some fat Americans arse - and then go back home again.

Yeah sure mate. :rolleyes:
It's the same with ghosts. Soon as the old emulsion film disappeared so did the ghosts. The UFOs were never there. Neither were the ghosts.

If you Google Anal Probing then you'll see that aliens travel across the universe to probe some fat Americans a**e - and then go back home again.

Yeah sure mate. :rolleyes:

Yeah agree with you there Joe.......they also travel zillions of miles and then land on some outback hillbillys farm and cut a piece of cow hide.......what about the fuel costs?? why not just order the hide off ebay :)
It's the same with ghosts. Soon as the old emulsion film disappeared so did the ghosts. The UFOs were never there. Neither were the ghosts.

If you Google Anal Probing then you'll see that aliens travel across the universe to probe some fat Americans a**e - and then go back home again.

Yeah sure mate. :rolleyes:

Yeah agree with you there Joe.......they also travel zillions of miles and then land on some outback hillbillys farm and cut a piece of cow hide.......what about the fuel costs?? why not just order the hide off ebay :)

That old chestbut, isnt it strange how the mutilations only occur where nuke testing has been done in the past and the only parts of the cow cut out are the parts that can store radiation, or something like that.

And how come, out of the millions of photos taken of ufo's , none of them are clear enough to see one without doubt , every last one is blurry.
If you Google Anal Probing then you'll see that aliens travel across the universe to probe some fat Americans a**e - and then go back home again.

Yeah sure mate. :rolleyes:
I googled it and got .......the Ford Probe .....someone said it was the biggest pile of shyte they had owned - I guess google picked up on the rectal connection :confused:
That old chestbut, isnt it strange how the mutilations only occur where nuke testing has been done in the past and the only parts of the cow cut out are the parts that can store radiation, or something like that.

Not entirely true, there have been mutilations in Britain and I think France too where there have been no nuclear tests. However,, that said the remains of the animals raises as many questions as it answers, why would any body , human or alien, actually bother to return the carcass after organ removal if they were trying to conceal something ?More likely I think is the whole thing is a huge red herring like some ufo reports to draw attention away from something else, usually military testing and so on.
Bodgeit makes a valid and very practical point, it must be expensive in money resorces and time to send a ship across the vast distances of space in order to achieve pretty much nothing.
And as to everybody carrying camera phones, well yes a lot do but most are always looking downwards to their phone rather than up to the skys.
Not only is it expensive travelling the Universe - it's impossible because the laws of science prohibit it.
Only impossible if we are talking over or close to the speed of light or at "warp" speeds as favoured by sci-fi films. It's possible to transverse the galaxy at much slower speeds although of course it's much less useful or practical.
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