USA, Second Amendment

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Isn't our Parliament referred to as the 'Mother of Parliaments' and the basis on which democracy around the world has been built.
That's what the British told all the countries that got consumed into the 'empire'...

Lately of course the version of democracy that has been imposed on nations illegally invaded is by and large Proportional Representation...

Too good a system of course for Britain itself ;)

PS. The oldest (and thus mother of all) parliaments is the Alþingi - AD 930
Easy availability of guns and ammunition is appreciated by rioters hoping to overthrow the elected government
There were plenty of armed protesters on Capitol hill yet they didn't use their weapons, that shows that most of the protesters behaved responsibly.
Trumps party has had a shock becuase not all their supporters are in favour of overthrowing the election by force, and are suspending their $donations.

The gun lobby has looked after the Republicans well, and vice-versa.

But I read:

"Adding to the worries, other pillars of GOP fundraising — including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Rifle Association and groups tied to the Koch brothers — can no longer be counted on for robust financial support.

The NRA announced Friday that it had filed for bankruptcy after years of profligate spending and insider dealing by top leaders"

“There are some members who by their actions will have forfeited the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,” Neil Bradley, the chamber’s chief policy officer, said this week. “Our PAC will continue to support those candidates who demonstrate that type of commitment to governing and democratic norms and our priorities.”
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There were plenty of armed protesters on Capitol hill yet they didn't use their weapons, that shows that most of the protesters behaved responsibly.

Do you think an armed mob, forcing their way into 10 Downing Street, without using their guns, would be responsible behaviour.......?
There were plenty of armed protesters on Capitol hill yet they didn't use their weapons, that shows that most of the protesters behaved responsibly.

They must have been white.

An unarmed black boy in US can be shot dead after walking back from a candy store

An armed white rioter carries a gun when breaking into the seat of government and has a selfie with the cop supposed to be guarding it.

Do Black Lives Matter? Obviously not as much as White ones.
Do you think an armed mob, forcing their way into 10 Downing Street, without using their guns, would be responsible behaviour.......?
Only a section of the crowd were involved in the attacks on government property.
Most of the protesters showed restraint,
The authorities were caught by suprise, if the protest had been policed properly violence could have been avoided.
All this nonsense about impeachment

Insurection Bla Bla

Is a load of baloney imo

And In Any event its done the state a service by high lighting the p*** poor security at the place
if the protest had been policed properly violence could have been avoided.

'mmmm, I wonder who's been in charge of appointing the bosses for the last four years?

What a shame Trump ignored requests for reinforcements from the National Guard even as the occupation was proceeding. Almost as if he didn't want it stopped.
The Democrats and all those shouting for impeachment and making a mountain out of a mole hill

Need to. Get a grip and keep some sense of perspective

Jeez us wept
In other news, the sinking ship continues to shed rats.

"Late this week, as Joe Biden prepared to assume the presidency, Trump was still raging, according to CNN. A casual discussion about Trump potentially resigning resulted in “an expletive-laden conversation”, CNN reported, while Trump has been in a state of “sullen desolation”.

"The president has at least finally accepted that his term is about to end. Trump has begun thinking about how he will leave Washington, and is keen on “a military-style sendoff and a crowd of supporters”, CNN said, either at the White House or at the Mar-a-Lago compound that is set to become his home."

"In a blow to Trump’s aspirations, the Pentagon is set to break with tradition and not hold an armed forces farewell tribute to the president."

"As a slew of Trump’s aides have deserted him, CNN reported that the White House press office is “virtually empty”. Even the pool of sources who once leaked to the press almost daily has nearly disappeared, making it harder to discern the president’s state of mind."

"Trump, known for turning his back on those who displease him, leaves office having discovered that his confidantes, advisers and friends are now doing the same."


Only a section of the crowd were involved in the attacks on government property.
Most of the protesters showed restraint,
The authorities were caught by suprise, if the protest had been policed properly violence could have been avoided.
It was a political decision to police it lightly apparently. If they'd put in half the manpower they'd previously deployed for BLM then the militias would probably have just had a rant and headed back to their bunkers.
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