Wall Stability and Removal of Wall Return (flush wall continuing into extension)

11 Jul 2009
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United Kingdom
Usually have been able to find a post that answers my query (or near enough) but its now failed me unless I have missed a post and in which case I apologise. Its a building query where we want the external wall to be flush where the extension joins the house.

The objective is to have a flush wall at A (without breaking the bank). There will be a steel spanning from from C and resting at A which will support a new dormer wall above. We have been told a) the existing return needs to stay, b) a goal post steel will be required (still intruding into the room) and c) “possibly” can be done by incorporating a steel within the inner skin of the wall.

Rear extension sketch.jpg

I appreciate its a wall stability issue but from an engineering perspective the new wall will be stitched to the old and the flat roof (not vaulted) should provide restraint to the top of the wall as well as resisting any tendency for the wall to deflect inwards when the return is removed. It will not be a heavily loaded steel (around 26kN bearing onto the wall) and could be lightened by spanning the roof joists of the ground floor extension and dormer parallel to the beam.

Cant help feeling its one of those too difficult to handle issues for structural engineers used to churning out calcs for building regs. If anybody can shed some light on what is possible, even if it needs finding another structural engineer, or can point me towards the relevant codes / references it would be much appreciated.
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The end is restrained by the things mentioned in your post and is OK and normal.
Thats great, the confirmation I was hoping to hear, just wasnt sure whether I had missed something. And just to clarify, (of course based on the info outlined), no return required at A, RSJ can sit on external wall with appropriate padstone and no additional support or stiffening of the wall is required.
Many thanks for responding so quickly.

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