what a difference...New Oreleans

"Does this bring to the fore some of the cultural differences that have spawned such hatred from other quarters"

Excellent Point ...
I think what it does inforce is the fact how sloth like are western people who are used too better living conditions than the "Third World " people ...

After the Tsunami they the poor asians were helping an rescuing their neighbours , in the US they were trampling the bodies to steal an when caught with shopping trollies full of tvs etc they said they were just trying to survive ...yeah right with a Tv/DVD /Video in the shopping cart ... !!!
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The whole thing is amazing - Not just how poor the relief has been, but how quickly people there seem to have reverted to the mob culture - It looks like something out of Clockwork Orange.

I heard on the radio today that after the Iranian earthquake in Bam, the authorities sent a bunch of 747's in almost immediately, got everyone out, and then started trying to get names and numbers, but the opposite seems the case over in the US at the mo. The idea that you can helicopter into a stadium of 20,000 people, invite everyone to form a line and let the first 10 get in seems beyond belief.

I hope things work out for the survivors but it really seems unbelievable that such a devlopped nation can have areas laid this low by a natural disaster.
Maybe some of the problem is that the fire/rescue etc were wiped out too and half the troops trained for it are in iraq. It must be a logistic nightmare
Though it does make you wonder why it took so long for the might of the disaster to sink in. Usually CNN are telling it b4 it happens. I do wonder how we would react here if we were overwhelmed so badly, I mean you only have to see the almost riot conditions when Heathrow closes down. I think we would see a lot of the same over here I'm afraid. It all boils down to the fact we are soft in the west.
nstreet said:
I find it hard to feel sorry for these poeple, all standing and chanting 'we need help' when you see those in other countries far worse off and not complaining.

My thoughts exactly.! ! Amazed about the attitude there (als Bush, did you hear him: we can fight both terrorist and this event, why do I always see the 2D-tv cartoon image of him in my mind whenever he's on the telly ;)
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confidentincompetent said:
Maybe some of the problem is that the fire/rescue etc were wiped out too and half the troops trained for it are in iraq. It must be a logistic nightmare
Though it does make you wonder why it took so long for the might of the disaster to sink in. Usually CNN are telling it b4 it happens. I do wonder how we would react here if we were overwhelmed so badly, I mean you only have to see the almost riot conditions when Heathrow closes down. I think we would see a lot of the same over here I'm afraid. It all boils down to the fact we are soft in the west.

it as amazing how fast we forget how to fend for ourselves and become dependant on the system, we've only had mains electric here for 15 years and recently the power when off for a couple of days, well! every one got really upset asking for emergency generators and people were going round complaining and fed up, I thought it was great fun going to bed early nudge nudge wink wink!! I know its no comparison with people starving but alot of those people seem to just have no savvy.
johnny_t said:
The whole thing is amazing - Not just how poor the relief has been, but how quickly people there seem to have reverted to the mob culture - It looks like something out of Clockwork Orange.
Somebody (Mao??) once wrote that no country is more than 9 meals away from a revolution.

Whoever it was, I think he was right...
And given that one modern American meal probably equates to about 9 Mao-era Chinese meals, that explains a lot......... :LOL:

There does seem to be a lot of the old Schadenfreude going round in this thread, and the points about us being soft in the west are probably correct, but I really do hope we could handle it a lot better if this happened in England.
johnny_t said:
There does seem to be a lot of the old Schadenfreude going round in this thread, and the points about us being soft in the west are probably correct, but I really do hope we could handle it a lot better if this happened in England.

We (not only Engeland, but other North-see countries also) already did: 1953
Hmm, a bunch of as*holes you lot sat on your fence criticising others. Yes it does look awful the looting and what a bunch of animals. But they were left behind, they had no means to leave. And do we not forget that an area larger than England has been hit and over a million people left homeless but that is ok because they are Americans! had it coming did they??! Think not people............think first then press the keyboard :rolleyes:
No, that's not what we're saying. We are commenting on the fact that americans always make out to be the best, the greatest, the first to act in disaster areas etc (specially someone elses). Now it happens in there (poor) back garden (very large indeed) and no-one knows how to react quickly enough to stop the looting, the raping and the unnecessary dying.

That's al.
Who said "that's OK, they are Americans, they had it coming"? :confused: :confused: :confused: I have been reading it as "wow, you would think they would have been better prepared for this sort of thing!"

I truly think the English would NOT have reverted to savagery quite so quickly. I honestly believe that. But, we are world-renowned for our reserve in such situations. We would have probably formed an orderly queue for some reason. ;)

Now, there are plenty of people who have kept their head though. Did you see the chaps who were taking their hunting/fishing boats around, offering to take people to safety? THAT is the sort of behaviour you need in a crisis. (although many turned down help, choosing to rely on the few days food and water they had in the house).

There are also people who have taken in refugees from the stricken areas, into their own homes. Obviously some very good people about over there, doing what they can to help people in crisis.

It is quite likely that all the crime and selfish behaviour that has been going on is a minority of people. Looting shops for food is survival, and I think you would have to be harsh to condemn someone for trying to stay alive or keep their family alive. But there have been shootings and rapings... what good will either of those serve to your survival?!
Bla Bla Bla--you are like scum yourselves--reading this is just a big joke--a few weeks ago we critisised muslims for thinking plotting and killing our citizens and you lot jumped on us for being racist and now look at you.

A few things to think about

This was a natural disaster no petrol guzzling car bought this on, and to be honest if some turkey told you what to drive you would tell them to f--k off--oh sorry i forgot you all walk everywhere.

Just because someone is black and fat doesnt mean they deserve to be homeless--raped--and shot at or have no food and water----oops sorry i forgot slogger is the only racist here

You can all laugh at their inability to deal with disaster theirselves but dont forget when disasters have happened around the world the Yanks have sent aid most times even to their enemies but i dont see them offering anything to the Americans--i know what i would do if i was a Yank next time---oh yeah and that includes the times they helped us like WW1--WW2--The Falklands---come to think of it you perfect people may not be here to scoff and laugh at their misfortune if it wasnt for some silly stupid Americans who instead of scoffing and laughing came over and gave us a hand, but of course i suppose it's Sloggers fault again.
Not sure what you're on but I want to try some too!!! :LOL:

The US government seemed to have been dragging their heels on helping people. At first I had wondered myself if New Orleans had been a largely middle-class anglo-saxon city if the help would have arrived sooner. However, it has been arriving now and the Engineering Corps have a plan. So it seems that "we need to move materiel from a long way away" really was the case.

If a turkey told me what to drive I wouldn't tell them to f**k off, I would say "Wow, a talking turkey! That's pretty amazing!" ;) Despite being a complete petrolhead, out of functionality I would be quite happy driving anything provided it was reliable and relatively economical to run... apart from a Ford Focus. What an ugly car. The Mk2 is even uglier than the original. :rolleyes:
I dont think i sat on the fence or even had a chuckle when i started this thread, i was just remarking at the stark difference in the ability of people and governments to deal with a natural disaster on different sides of the planet.
Adam i wasnt referring to you---- just Rhonda and OMG
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