What the actual f... is going on?!?

So no one cares about your crocodile tears and then vote for cuts.

Own it.
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This thread started with a comment about poor sentencing.

Want to say who is responsible for lack of prison spaces, prisoners being released early (from these poor sentences) and the Police being encouraged to arrest less to avoid overloading the system?

Do you want more of it? Or is it just crocodile tears ?
Here you go. Get your teeth into this one.

Despicable woman. At least she got an ½ decent sentence.
I'm happy with this. However how do cuts influence a judge in sentencing?
I'm happy with this. However how do cuts influence a judge in sentencing?
Depending on how full the prisons are will likely influence them (directly or indirectly) to the lower end of the sentencing guidelines.
Depending on how full the prisons are will likely influence them (directly or indirectly) to the lower end of the sentencing guidelines.
Prison places is not going to be in the thought process when
sentencing someone to 12 years or 18 years
Prison places is not going to be in the thought process when
sentencing someone to 12 years or 18 years

More crocodile tears.

Dangerous offenders released early to ease prison overcrowding, watchdog warns​

Prisoners are being fast-tracked despite objections by jail staff and amid fears that they will reoffend and put the public at risk

Blame this on Labout as well?
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