What's next on the Govt. Don't List

22 Mar 2006
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United Kingdom
So we followed all the govt advice and lobbying and gave up the fags 15 months ago. Felt good about it as we were doing something positive to get off the “high risk” list and reduce NHS spending on smoking-related diseases.

Since then we have put on 1.5 stone and can’t shift it so we are now officially obese. Together with a few million more we are now being lobbied to lose weight as we are putting the future of the NHS at risk with obesity-related diseases.

Not been lobbied too much on the booze front yet. That campaign is still low-key given the govt-sponsored extended drinking hours (another disaster).

What’s next for the spin-doctors? Red meat? Coffee again? Sex?

And given the state of our Pension funds, why does anybody want us to live longer?
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Ricky2 said:
What’s next for the spin-doctors? Red meat? Coffee again? Sex?

Nobody's taking away my beef cappuccino after a good session with the wife ;)
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Its not the Govt fault you started smoking and not there fault that you eat too much.
Oh yes it is ......

The worry about life as imposed by the government causes comfort eating and stress relieving suckling on the end of a cigarette.