who's going to pay the bill

Capitalism is built on the notion of endless cheap resources like oil. It's not cheap anymore, and the model is collapsing.

Listen to any talker on the economy on TV - see how many times they use the word 'growth'. Well the notion of exponential growth was always ridiculous. Now it's time that they realised that.
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Quite correct Joe which is why I can't help but think that all this Quanative easing will come back to bite us on the bum. It's nothing more than a loan from a hoped for richer future :rolleyes:
I reckon we should close all the ports and airports, block any incoming email, shut our eyes, arm our warheads and tell everyone to fook off. It'd all blow over in a couple of years ;)
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If capitalism did come to a stand- still ,who would look after all the usless numpties that have nothing to offer?
If capitalism did come to a stand- still ,who would look after all the usless numpties that have nothing to offer?
Nothing to offer? ???? We all have nothing to offer but are fooled into believing that what we do is important. What is important though??
Very funny. I ain't no glorified lavatory attendant though.
Farming as we know it would cease to exist without oil.
It would create huge employment though as thousands of new jobs would begin. Millions would starve to death so less food needed.
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