
bolo you have to understand that some contributers on here are now of a rather mature age and have either forgotten what they learnt at school with punctuation and grammar or simply have memory loss or dysfunction from time to time (drink induced maybe?) sometimes the PC doesn't seem to keep up with the typing or the fingers mishit the keys and bits go missing or typos ensue. In the end this forum is not for educating people in spelling or grammar, thats what the spell check is for, its here for getting over one's viewpoint and most on here accept that and tend to ignore or accept anothers misgivings

Thank you tim west, that is exactly the point that I have been trying to make. I get enough of teaching throughout the week.
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bolo you have to understand that some contributers on here are now of a rather mature age and have either forgotten what they learnt at school with punctuation and grammar or simply have memory loss or dysfunction from time to time (drink induced maybe?) sometimes the PC doesn't seem to keep up with the typing or the fingers mishit the keys and bits go missing or typos ensue. In the end this forum is not for educating people in spelling or grammar, thats what the spell check is for, its here for getting over one's viewpoint and most on here accept that and tend to ignore or accept anothers misgivings

Thank you tim west, that is exactly the point that I have been trying to make. I get enough of teaching throughout the week.

That's not fair teach, if your going to nit pick somebody for mixing up their who's and whose, will you have a quiet word with tim west for his lack of commas and full stops.
I almost passed out through lack of oxygen when I read his post.
How about that other great confuser - the apostrophe after the 's'?

Boys school

Boy's school

Boys' school.

Anyone care to explain that one? If not I'll do it later.

Pick me pick me!!

Boys school - a school for boys.. as opposed to girls
Boy's school - school belonging to the boy
Boys' school - Boys plural, school belonging to those boys!
There's no fool like an old fool.

One day the penny will drop.
chainsaw_masochist said:
Of course not. But a little more time spent on placing a comma here or a semi-colon there might make even a brief point more succinct.

How right you are. So when you wrote

Or if amongst the pleberati, the correct --

did you mean

"Or, if amongst the pleberati, the correct --"? ;) ;) ;)
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