Why are there lollipop 'people' at zebra crossings?

7 Aug 2007
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United Kingdom
I ride a motorcycle to work and each morning i must pass about 4 lollipop people working at Zebra crossings.

Surely this is a pointless act? I think its safe to say that UK drivers are generally good at abiding by the rules of the zebra crossing without the need of a person dressed in high vis gear to guard it.

Also they seem to work at the busiest times, when the traffic is crawling at 5mph anyway.

Whos paying their wages? Are they voluteers?

Just a thought :)
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Oooh you anti age ism person! think how many pensioners are happily prancing up and down with their lollipops for children.

And that's without a zebra crossing in sight!!
they are there to stop the kids running a muck so order will be done ;) and we wont get done for running over unruely kids :LOL:
kids don't always pay attention a bit like drivers they can be distracted and do unpredictable things

i think the lolypop person is on £2 or3 an hour so more for love than financial return ;)
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kids don't always pay attention a bit like drivers they can be distracted and do unpredictable things

i think the lolypop person is on £2 or3 an hour so more for love than financial return ;)

the minimum wage is around 5.50 nowadays but your right the fresh air and chance to tell people about their dodgy hip is a far more attractive incentive to do the job
It's also to speed up the traffic flow. They herd the kids into a group like a sheepdog does with sheep and then escort them across the road. Otherwise, the traffic would be at a standstill as they kids straggled across.
I....must pass about 4 lollipop people working at Zebra crossings.

Surely this is a pointless act?

Nope. Even with an adult to assist, accidents happen.

A lollypop lady in Timperley was killed a few years ago having been run over.
The lollipop is used as a last resort indication to motorcyclists approaching at 70mph that they should slow down. Also the pole can be stuck in the spokes of their front wheel if the former has not worked.
My mum did a couple of years as a lollypop lady in the 1950s

I recall at least three times she went to court as a witness against drivers who through careless driving came close to killing or injuring children crossing the road when she was holding the STOP sign in the middle of the road. And one of the patrols at another school was injured by a non observant car user.
At zebra crossings is nothing. When I was at school, they installed Traffic lights where one of the lollipop ladies was and still kept her on. She would press the button when kids were approaching. I can only think that as she was getting on a bit they decided not to make her redundant as that wouldn't be very nice. Can't imagine that happening now.
At zebra crossings is nothing. When I was at school, they installed Traffic lights where one of the lollipop ladies was and still kept her on. She would press the button when kids were approaching. I can only think that as she was getting on a bit they decided not to make her redundant as that wouldn't be very nice. Can't imagine that happening now.

You're so wrong mate. Every set of traffic lights in our town centre has a lollipop person helping people across. Note that I have said people. Here, as soon as the lights change, the LP is out there regardless of who is crossing. The young men and women tend to ignore them, but most pedestrians are grateful for the extra safety measure.
It's because the are sponsored by VW and the sponsors hope that all the kids will be overcome by the hidden message and buy a Polo when they get older.
we had a school crossing patro; before there was ever any pelican crossing across our busy road.

when the pelican crossing was installed i also wondered why there was a need fora crossong patrol and perhaps it will be different eventually.

however, at the moment i believe the patrol person by some means unknown to me can affect the crossing immediately and so have much more control over it.

as opposed to joe public who has to wait a couple of minutes.

anyway if its safer for the kids and keeps some friendly pensioner in employment why would anyone want to end it?
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