Why are trickle vents ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... often rubbish?

Not the vent itself but the way they're installed. We got new windows installed in a previous house years ago, really good quality etc. However the one thing that let them down was the trickle vents. When in the closed position, because they were essentially just clipped into the frame, there were drafts coming in around the edge of the vents. I resolved that by running beads of clear sealant.

Sitting in mums recently during really bad weather. 'What's that draft?' I thought. A quick glance at the window to my right and I spied a trickle vent. Put my hand up to it and again, although 'closed' the draft coming in around the edges was ridiculous. No sealant so I did a temp diy job there and then with sellotape!

And for the first time I've noticed it in my own place. My PC is set up beside a window with, you guessed it, a trickle vent. Thought earlier today 'what's that draft at my neck?' Yep, closed trickle vent with drafts coming in around the edges. So it's got the sellotape treatment until I buy sealant.

Begs the question, why don't the installers run a bead of clear silicon around these vents during installation? I expect some do, however some obviously don't! It would take minutes.
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