Windows license

2 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
Just wondering what's the score with Win XP licensing, I read that technically the sticker on the PC is not the license. If this is the case and I need to wipe Win XP off my laptop for which I have no installation disk does this mean I can't re-install Win XP from the original CD that I got with my desktop? My laptop has its own sticker on the bottom as does my desktop on the back of the case, both run XP home.
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The sticker might be the Cerificate of Authenticity with a serial number on it... in which case use that to register.

You seem to be able to register the same COA several times, e.g. if you have a hard disk crash.

But if you bought the mn/c used, from a corporate user, then the licence will not travel with the machine (I don't think they're supposed to be transferable licences, but with a home user, will anyone care?)

If it won't register, you may have to call micro$oft and tell them your hard disk failed and you need to reload it. I've done that. They may be able to tell if the licence can be re-used. Otherwise it will stop working. XP does that but older versions don't seem to.
My laptop was already registered when I got it, Windows XP home was pre-loaded. Please don't get me wrong, I haven't wiped my laptop or anything, I am just interested to know where I stand should I ever need to. I was under the impression the proof of license COA belonged to the machine with the sticker on and therefore the license to use windows XP travelled around with this particular PC, wether or not it transferred between users? If I got rid of say my old desktop computer and brought a new one, the way I understand it is the Windows XP license is not transferrable from my old machine to my new machine?
The COA stickers are used with OEM licenses, which are tied to the machine the O/S was originally loaded to. The COA for the retail version is on the packaging, so that it can be transferred.

Here's a bit from the Retail XP Home EULA (License)

13. SOFTWARE TRANSFER. Internal. You may move the Software to a different Workstation Computer. After the transfer, you must completely remove the Software from the former Workstation Computer. Transfer to Third Party. The initial user of the Software may make a one-time permanent transfer of this EULA and Software to another end user, provided the initial user retains no copies of the Software. This transfer must include all of the Software (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA, and, if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity). The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a consignment. Prior to the transfer, the end user receiving the Software must agree to all the EULA terms.

So, if you had the retail version, you can move it between machines. This also means that you could entirely reconstruct your machine and use the same license as long as the software exists on a single machine (per license). From what I read above, only the original purchaser can sell it.

In the case of an OEM license, there are more restrictions. The license is tied to the original machine it was installed on. However, you are permitted to make changes to the system with the exception of the motherboard. If you change the motherboard (except for warranty cases), you have built a new machine and need to purchase a new license.
The COA shoud be attached to the PC by the supplier.
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So from that I take it that the windows XP on my fathers PC which was originally WinME (urghh) but had the retail XP upgrade installed can be transferred over to a new PC with an earlier version of windows as long as the original PC is scrubbed. On the other hand if my laptop dies I can't transfer the license as it is for that machine only.
Thanks for the info, Spark123