Yellowhammer document released: but title changed and no15 redacted

Yellow hammer document is a load of sugar coated baloney :LOL:

The actual truth of this brexit caper has not been put into the public domain ;)
For security reasons they are
Hand written notes passed to various departments so as to stop any leaks ;) and o ky the chosen few have had sight of em ;)

Army units on stand bye
Internment camps planned for ;)
Plans for food rationing ;)
Petrol rationing ;)
Beefed up security at hospitals and super markets ect ;)

Body bags and temporary rrigetation units planned for the increased mortality rate ;)

Ect ect
Lets not forget, the sky falling in.
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Yellowhammer does not mention the sky falling in. DP hallucinating again.:rolleyes:

It does not mention lots of things Noseall ;)

For instance pets ;)

Due to food shortages its advisable to keep any dogs and cats in doors ;)
Sky falling in May be a tadge OTT

People need to start planning for this potential crash out caper

Surviving is the priority
Some in here need to start taking it seriously
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